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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 20:02



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 05:31

The size 3 boots that you ordered had out of stocks. Therefore, we will send you all the size 4 boots. The colour of the boots is made accordingly to your request. We will present you a pair of boots on your next order. This turn, we had received too many orders thus always insufficient of stocks. I had enclosed with some nice presents for you. Thanks.


size 3 = 3号尺寸
type 3 = 第三种
number 3/ no 3= 3号

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 05:31

The No.3 boot is out of inventory, I will deliver the No.4 to you instead, the colour of the boots is completely complied with your request. I could give you a pair of boots for free. Shortage of inventory happens a lot recently e to the high frequency of delivery, I have prepared some gifts to you and thank you for your consideration.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 05:32


嗨, 我在关注我的订货进行如何?希望一切顺利。谢谢


The size 3 boots that you ordered had out of stocks. Therefore, we will send you all the size 4 boots. The colour of the boots is made accordingly to your request. We will present you a pair of boots on your next order. This turn, we had received too many orders thus ...


My dear friend,I'm afraid the 12 pairs of shoes you bought were not paid in full with the delivery of 40USD. While let it go as a discount for you and you don't have to pay. Hope we'll have further business.Yours,-- ...


1、[Good people]∶品德好、行为端,乐于助人的人 好人一生平安 2、[A healthy person]∶健康的人 3、[A person who tries to get along with everyone]∶和稀泥的人;好人难当 定义:一心向善做好事不做坏事的人


May good people be free from mishaps all their lives.好人一生平安。有看到这样的语句,记下来的,望采纳


Western diet rich in both how individual always has a relatively stable in common, the development of diet on the current international trend, in the West are exceed and move towards complementary way. Attention to variety, nutritional balance, with a reasonable, honest healthy eating ...


Good person life is safely .


Mr Wu agreed to let me join in their school trip to Yancheng natural reserve.It is one of the most important wetlands in the world.Zhalong is a perfect place for reserved birds to live in.The area provides food and shelter for a lot of wildlife.This will lead to less and ...


我能否免费拥有尺码为4的黑色鞋子一双呢?你能否取确认一下是否还有4码栗色的鞋子,如果没有,我将订4码黑色的这款。Would really like a free pair though - hopefully the start of more business between me and you.不管是否真的能免费,我还是希望这是你我之间合作的开始。james 简姆斯 翻译好...


Congratulations on your winning the project, the regret is in the process of shipment damage occurred, in order not to affect your use, we have deliberately linked you ask the solution, a full refund to you, or we continue to ship the goods to you. I'm really sorry. We're...

军棋走法规则 中国的文明古迹有哪些 初中生心理健康教育目录 移动服务密码如何修改? 胖人吃什么东西不增肥,为什么减肥越减越肥呢?最佳效果是什么? 2024年九江学院排名全国多少 PPT的结束页除了“谢谢”,你还能做些什么? 三万五仟圆买07年别克凯越划算吗 本人在国外想办退休怎么办 win10鼠标dpi在哪里设置 快来这里学习下 this pair of boots is of li ming Bruce has a pair of boots.susan has a pair of sho yes,please.i want a pair of boots She bought a pair of boots.(instead of)She didn't get a pair of shoes. i a of pair boots want (.)连词成句 a pair of red boots的意思是什么? Bruce has a pair of boots. Susan has a pair of sh I want to buy a pair of boots for my daughter中文意思 英语翻译 我看中了一双靴子 请问英语怎样表达? a pair of boots汉字怎么写 He also wears a pair of boots这是什么意思? a pair of boots中文什么意思 一双靴子(a pair of boots)后面加单数还是复数 颤巍巍孤零零韩非子 幼儿园体检右眼眼保健是什么意思 有没有适合儿童在家保健眼睛的东西 分析幼儿教师应如何帮助并教育幼儿注意眼的保 如何把输入法换成带语音的,谢谢大家了。 有谁知道中国的一代,二代和三代机分别叫什么 基层党建中什么叫三有三带 关爱生命,安全出行主题演讲题目名称 He has a pair of ___boots. a of l want pair boots 连词成句 中国地图采用什么投影 紫海胆和马粪海胆哪个牛逼 中国地图用的什么投影 中国图纸是第几角投影? 中国有全息投影吗 居家养老怎么收新人有啥好方法 1993年纪念币还能兑换吗? 哪位大神有 李克勤-1993 克勤再见 '93 纪念版[香港] 音乐专辑百度网盘下载 现在通过艺考绘画考上大学,那么就意味着以后只能从事与艺术相关的职业吗? 图中93版熊猫纪念币价值多少 广东省举行仪式纪念中山先生逝世93周年了吗? 93年十大元帅纪念币我少一枚陈毅元帅的,哪里有买的? 魔兽世界血色掉落物品拾取后是否绑定问题 何享健家电业影响力 多塔人生之玩转天地小说txt全集免费下载 多塔人生之玩转天地小说txt全集免费下载 月相表买的时候六万多,现在值多少钱?
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