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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 22:05



热心网友 时间:2023-08-09 12:41

==英文介绍 LZ一看就是文化人

Beijing peak times strict culture art development co., LTDThrough out its TF family of outstanding trainee, in summer 2013 launch a new young idol group -- TFBOYS.TFBOYS meaning is: The Fighting Boys (struggling young).Its members includeWang Junkai(c),Wang Yuan(members),Easy Yang thousand seal(members).
Tf familyVariety show "TF young Go every Friday in youku, bilibili video web site updates, including a homemade plays the starring Wang Junkai and Wang YuanThe boy college study room"Loved by many.

Composite profileThe editor
Beijing peak times strict culture art development co., LTDThrough out its TF family of outstanding trainee, in summer 2013 launch a new young idol group -- TFBOYS.This combination is TF family first young idol group in the true sense, the combination byTf familyA good traineeWang JunkaiandWang YuanAnd summer to joinTf familyThe new members of theEasy Yang thousand sealComposition.
TFBOYS invited popularity days for South KoreaLi XiaoliAlbum procer of South Korea famous music team tailored for its debut EP, and complete new album songs post-proction in Korea.EP has been issued in September 2013.
TFBOYS called all The Fighting Boys, band name in addition to illustrate TFBOYS TF family is The first combination, also means The teenagers struggle for their dreams and hard work, contains The full positive energy.Group main colors to orange TFBOYS fans as follows:A clover.Fans name taken from TFBOYS debut EP in theHEART"A line from a song lyrics," a clover beautiful bloom "in the future.[1]Group of three people and fans to form a clover, its implication for TFBOYS and grow up with the fans.At the same time a clover design also is designed into the combination of TFBOYS LOGO.

membersThe editor
Wang Junkai
Wang JunkaiEnter the TF family early in 2011 through the selection, the TF

Wang Junkai(35 pages)
Family of trainee ring the training, in September 2011, in EP is issued in the name of the TF family"I don't change", released in early 2012 cover works "prison bird" and"I want to be happy"Recommended by sohu net for the first time.Later introced such as"Such love》、《Little love song》、《backlight"And so on a large number of cover works, in the toilet take edition of theIn my song"More by a large number of netizens.
Personal information:
Name:Wang Junkai
Alias: kai kai ye, kai huang, Lao wang
English name: Karry
Birthday: on September 21, 1999
Height: 173 cm (ing) growth
51 kg weight:
: constellation virgo
Advantages: good grades, polite, good singing, of handsome
Hobbies: playing guitar, singing
Combination: TFBOYS
The team officers: captain, the lead singer, appearance
The Chinese zodiac: rabbit
Native place: chongqing
Fan: small crabs
Wang Yuan
Wang YuanIs completed art training trainee, chongqing times TF members of the family and the lead singer.And afterWang Junkai、Easy Yang thousand sealOf new youth idol group TFBOYS, and released a new combination promotion for ten years.
Wang YuanIn early 2012 to enterTf family, and in the summer of 2012Wang JunkaiThe chorus of "an like summer A like autumn"Sina weiboForward more than 80000 times, total network video click on more than 5 million times (as of September 2012).To participate in performances and recording program are:"Stars of the futureThird "talent competition,The light media《List of music wind and cloud"Propaganda, anhui satellite TV"A golden age"And so on, and withWang JunkaiSing my song.andWang JunkaiCooperation's"Like a summer a like autumn"Was crazy a large number of reproced in weibo, more be originalChristine fanAnd after the forwarding,Wang JunkaiCooperation cover"When love has become the past"And"Onions", more netizens lots of attention, more by the original author and OnionsashinRecommend and was broadcast in Taiwan zhongtian entertainment news,"When love has become the past"Also be published in the journal of chongqing, and so there forward again.
Personal information:
Name:Wang Yuan

Wang Yuan(52)
English name: Roy
Nickname: flow, milk, and source, the elder brother of the source, the source, xiao wang, source, Wang Yuaner
Birthday: 2000.11.08
Chinese zodiac, dragon
Height: 165 cm (ing) growth [2]
Weight: 45 kg
Native place: shaanxi
Who lives in ground: chongqing
Scorpio constellation:
Features: lively, lovely, eloquence good, modest tolerance, warm smile, serious responsible
Hobbies: singing, playing basketball
The team officers: singer, bore, lovely
Fan: small mplings
Easy Yang thousand seal
Easy Yang thousand sealNew to joinTf family, having outstanding performance in dance, Latin, hip-hop master, in the new combination of performance is worth looking forward to.Lively, Latin dance, modern dance, strength, street dance, in addition to the dancing, will taekwondo, magic, calligraphy, Musical Instruments, or loved by advertising director model.
Personal information:
Name:Easy Yang thousand seal

Easy Yang thousand seal(35 pages)
English name: Jackson
Nickname: thousands of topaz, and the total, qianqian, one thousand
Fan: thousand cranes
Birthday: 2000.11.28
: constellation Sagittarius
Height: 163 cm (ing) growth
Special features: Latin dance, modern dance, strength, street dance, models, magic show, calligraphy, gore silk, tae kwon do,, guitar, drums, drawing, singing
Native place: hunan
Location: Beijing
The team post: dancing bear

3Music worksThe editor
《HeartSet out, a dream,"
Debut EP the Heart, dream, set out from Korea for Li Xiaoli,koyoteMake songs such as procer of tailored for combination affinity, song also in South Korea by leading the team to complete the final proction.The debut EP contains three songs"Heart"[3]《Love start"[4]《Dream set sail"[5], no matter from the audience or arranger, three singles can be called the title song.And the three song MV is because the style of the youth is full of positive energy was welcomed by everyone, won the good in each big video website click on grades.Debut EP has been released in September, 2013, foreign.[6]

==英文介绍 LZ一看就是文化人 Beijing peak times strict culture art development co., LTDThrough out its TF family of outstanding trainee, in summer 2013 launch a new young idol group -- TFBOYS.TFBOYS meaning is: The Fighting Boys (struggling young).Its members includeWang Junkai(...


(TFBOYS是由北京时代峰峻文化艺术发展有限公司于2013年8月6日推出的中国男子演唱组合。)By wang junkai, wang yuan, Jackson three members.(由王俊凯、王源、易烊千玺三位成员组成。)In August 2013, TFBOYS released the publicity video of the group "ten years", which was officially launched...


TFBoys, 1 combinations, 2 cities, three juvenile. Special care, but long Huya Junior is a captain, he saw men of God Goddess and fans will laugh Cha Siu Bau, but since the black powder said he laughed very ugly, the boy becomes less love to laugh; Meng Yuanyuan. He looks...




Easy Yang thousand seal (Jackson, November 28, 2000), national most popular idol group TFBOYS bear dancing, the youngest member of the combination. In July 2013, with chun-kai wang, hanah idol group TFBOYS, is a new member of TF Family has just (Teens). Childhood has superior...


team boys handsome start


英文:Wang Yuan, born in Chongqing in 2000, is a male singer, actor, host and writer in mainland China. His main identity is a member of mainland Chinese men's singing group tfboys. Wang Yuan joined his current combination in 2011.In a very short period of time, his ...


tfboys英文介绍 Tfboys introduction in English tfboys英文介绍 Tfboys introduction in English


fans called origami.this is my idol 易烊千玺。he"s very good,isn"t it?翻译:他叫易烊千玺,他13岁了。他是个明星,他也是组合tfboys的成员,组合的出道时间是8月6日。他的生日在11月28日。他喜欢红色,他也喜欢轻松熊。他的粉丝名叫千纸鹤。他就是我的偶像易烊千玺,他很棒,不是吗?


写作思路及要点:关于榜样易烊千玺的作文,要着重介绍和突出易烊千玺的榜样作用,要把他身上的优点展现出来,既然是榜样就得从榜样身上学习到优秀的品质,写出以榜样为目标自己未来的规划以及在榜样身上学习到的东西。英语作文:Everyone has idols. In my heart, Yiyang Qianxi is the goal of my life....

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