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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 22:21



热心网友 时间:2024-09-16 14:46

In 1882, North Korea envoy Yongk Xiao Jin-jun and the forthcoming diplomatic mission to Japan, before his departure to the Chinese request of the government of the Qing Dynasty to the Qing China's flag as the national flag-use, the Northern response, the government said Feudatory States can not be used in day-long flag with only four claws of the dragon flag. As the North Korean authorities to graally decline Ching had some not go, so accept the imperial demands. When Feng Li Hongzhang its orders of the Chinese ambassador to North Korea envoys Ma Jianzhong (China Modern linguists large, older brother and Fudan University founder Ma Xiangbo together ambassador to North Korea) recommended that the government adopt the traditional Chinese Tai Chi nosy use of the flag as the national flag, the proposal had been adopted by the Korean government, , the first Korean national flag is a white black letter of Tai Chi octagonal logo flag. Later, a British ambassador to North Korea with diplomats from the Western aesthetic point of view of this flag-Tai Chi nosy made changes and removed the titillation of four downs, and the remaining four downs oblique symmetric stretching, the entire rectangular flag design submissions, yin and yang fish patterns into two colors red and blue, so now we can see eunuchs Korean flag. Of course, the eunuchs surface modified four Gua the origins of the flag in South Korea must be ignored, and the Korean national flag is how can the design of two foreigners? Hence the word "whimsical" version.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-16 14:46

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