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书面表达(英语) 根据提示写回信

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 22:30



热心网友 时间:2024-06-20 19:22

Dear Li Hong,
I can understand your feeling now. I think it would be better if you calm down and find the reason why you quarrelled with him/her first. Then I suggest you to keep a good mood yourself and try to control your temper when you get angry. Offering help to others regularly is a good way to get on well with them. One more thing, you should learn to be cooperative, and people like to be with a person who has team spirit. I believe you will surely have more friends if you follow the suggestions. Don't worry. Things will be better. As your best friend, I always trust and support you. (原创,请其他同学勿转载,希望可以帮到提问的同学)

热心网友 时间:2024-06-20 19:20

First you just say hi to them with smile.Second you can say what you feel interesting for them.

Dear Ann I've arrived Shenzhen last night.Shenzhen is a bit different than (ann住的地方).As you know ,Shenzhen is a huge city,there are lots of places to visit.The view at night is graceful,everywhere are colorful lights.But the traffic is a bit crowded,since the University ...

书面表达 英语作文题 求写回信 范围最好在初一下学期的单词里 最好不...

I am looking forward to your reply. What about you, Tom?Yours Truly,Li Ping

书面表达。 请你仔细阅读所给英文信,然后给Worried写一封回信。要求包含...

Dear Worried, I have received your letter and I’m glad to give you some suggestions. First of all, don’t be disappointed. Many students find it difficult to write well. In my opinion, if you want to improve your writing, you can do several things. First, do some stud...


sorry that i nearly forgot your birthday. And Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party.But, sorry again that i cannot be there. Becouse I caught a cold.Here, I wish you happy birthday.love from 不好意思,想了很久,拼不出那么多字 ...


Dear Li Meng,I’m glad to help you. I think you should memorize words by using them. You can make complete sentences with the words. And you should get much spoken English practice. It’s a good way to join an English language club. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. ...

1书面表达。 假设你是Sarah,请结合以上短文内容,给Peter写一封回信...

and happy, too. Third, you should pay more attention to your study, you know, the next holiday is coming soon, you can relax yourself well after you get good grades. Besides, please join our reading club, you can make more friends here, We are welcoming you!希望帮到你~


Dear Leo,Thanks for your letter.You told me that you did not know how to get along with your parents in the letter. Here are some suggestions from me.First, you should respect them. They are your parents. Even if they don't do the right things sometimes, you should not ...


dear annie,i am gald to hear that you will meet me at the bus station. i will dress up and i wanna give u a surprise. so can u tell me what u look like and what u are going to wear?yours,carol


Dear Peter,If you don't do well in Chinese,you needn’t worry about it.I will give you some suggestions and it can help you with your Chinese study.First,you should make Chinese friends and ask them to help you with your Chinese.You can also take part in activities often...


Dear John, Thank you for your letter. I’m sorry that you have some trouble in spoken English. Here is some of my advice on improving spoken English. First of all, don’t lose heart in your spoken English. Don’t be afraid of making any mistakes or being laughed at. ...

目前为止wow的传说级装备共有几件呢?麻烦把名字说出来,谢谢啦! 现在天通金是个什么样的行情 我几十万资金能不能做天通金,大概1手要多少钱,最好具体点,我什么都不... 天通金是什么产品,是黄金吗?和上海td有什么区别啊? 天通银一个点差是多少钱 看不明白中国式的天体命名法... 深圳华加日铝业有限公司广州分公司怎么样? 新买的皮鞋放时间久了里子不结实 皮鞋里子不洗收藏会发霉吗 女童皮鞋里子怎么洗? 假如你是tom 你的美国朋友Emily生病了,请你给他写一封电子邮件_百度... 英语作文假如你是张平,你的美国笔友Emily来信说她家搬到了一个新城市... 英语作文假设你是alex,你的朋友emily在你生日的时候送了你一本书,这... 英语作文 假如你是李华,刚交了一位美国笔友Emily,她想请你介绍一下中 ... 英语作文假如你是肖明,你在美国的朋友Emily病了请你写一篇信安慰她,并... 假设你是tom. 你在美国的朋友Emily生病了 请你给他写一封邮件 急, 英语作文, 初二的 假设你叫李明,收到美国中学生Emily的邮件,请给她回复并谈谈你的看法... 把中文文章改成英文文章!格式正确。 英语作文怎么写啊?? 《写给远在新西兰的朋友Emily 写一封信》 dear emily的短文 let me( )you about的 如何使用 ALTERA DE2板? 论坛有没有用AltiumDesigner设计FPGA的 煎饺怎么煎不粘底 你看好辣条行业吗?辣条行业未来的发展趋势会怎样? 第26届联合国大会恢复我国联合国合法席位 35个国家投反对票,具体是哪些... 三角形的中心有哪些性质? 广州登月酒店怎么样? 002847属于什么行业相应版块市盈率 一篇英语小作文,很简单。 dear classmates.how is everything going? 假如你叫李芳,昨天收到了美国笔友艾米丽(Emily)的来信,她在信中问... 在街头上的那些小丑玩的那个长气球是什么型号的啊,我也不懂就想卖来给... 大家好我是201年雕塑艺术设计专业毕业想考二级建造师可以吗? 2012年二级建造师考试用书与201年版本的区别 请求高手把这个名片翻译成英文的,谢谢~急急急 201年二级建造师辅导 哪家好? 英文地址怎么些,帮忙!急急急 201河南5二级建造师满分多少 1the park is not far you can go a north street and turn r 2the... 中国工商银行~~~的英文翻译,我写的规范么?谢谢! 请把201年或2010年的二级建造师考试用书和复习题或其他的资料电子版和... 求助 二级建造师考试 今年报考二级建造师,时间不多了,如何复习能过,需要报班吗?谁有201... 请问雅思考试复习做剑桥系列听力对28个左右,阅读对27个左右,正式... 雅思四项总分27分的话,平均是算6.5还是7? 雅思口语考试中27张核心卡片有哪些? ...做出来有时候只对27,8个 有时候对32,3个 请问雅思考试阅读大概什么水 ... 雅思听力中多少个能得5.5
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