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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 05:14



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 12:00

I am nobody's mirror. I am no one's humble follower. I am myself, just look like myself.
2.没有善良-- 一个人给予另一个人的真正发自肺腑的温暖--- 就不可能有精神的美!
Without goodness, the warmest care in the deepest heart from one to another, the pure beauty in the soul fades.
I am the master of my fate and my soul.
Every flame shooting upwards is beautiful.
Ture beauty comes from deep in the soul.
Never do anything that no god can save, no matter how you express your anger.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 12:00

I don't follow anybody. I don't want to follow someone like a slave. I want to be myself.
2.没有善良-- 一个人给予另一个人的真正发自肺腑的温暖--- 就不可能有精神的美!
Without kindness-something from the bottom of heart that a person shows towards another one-there is no spiritual beauty.
I am my own master. I control my own heat.
Those who could move forward,and shine are all beautiful.
Bearty comes from the bossom of heart.
No matter how angry you want to show you are, never do anything that could not be saved.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 12:01

I won't to imitates anyone. I won't walking behind the others as a slave. I just wanna to be myself on my ways..

2.没有善良-- 一个人给予另一个人的真正发自肺腑的温暖--- 就不可能有精神的美!
Without kindness -- A person gives warms which truely from the bottom of one's heart to another person --- Is impossible to have spiritual beauty!

I am the master of the fate, I am the dominater of the soul.

It is all beautiful Everythings which can flush up, can send out the flame.

Beautiful is sends out from the innermost of soul.

Whatever how you to express the angers, but don't make the matter which is unable to recall.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 12:01

1. My nobody imitates I do not go to the slave to resemble am walking with the others I so long as have a liking for like I, must belong to I! 2. Not a good -- person gives another person truly to send from the bottom of one's heart warm --- is impossible to have spiritual America! 3. I am the destiny master, I am the mind control 4. Every is can flush, can send out the flame, all is beautiful 5. Beautiful is sends out from the innermost soul 6. How regardless of you do express the anger, all do not have to make the matter which any is unable to recall

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 12:02

! I imitate no one. I won't be a slave who follow other people. I just want to be myself. No people resembles me.

2 Without kindness--the true heartly warmness from one to another--there won't be any beautiful spirit.

3 I am the master of my fate, the lord of my mind.

4 Every thing that can shoot upward and burst into flames is beautiful.

5 Beauty is emitted from deep of your spirit.

6 No matter how angry you are, never do anything irremediable
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