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英文写作: 以“My Opinion About Blog"(我对博客的看法)为题,写一篇1...

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 05:23



热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 15:52

With the development of the Internet, more and more students access to the Internet, and even some students can not do without it. Blog as a new personal home page, has received more and more people love.
Recently, many students have opened their own blog. They believe that their own blog as a display of window, allowing more people to discover and understand themselves, and also can release pressure to learn.
However, many parents and teachers think that blog will affect their learning. Because students must spend time to manage blog, so that less time learning
I think that the blog on the one hand allows students to share their knowledge, which helps to improve academic performance. On the other hand, students can addicted to blog.
All in all, the blog is a good thing, but it depends on how追问接下来呢?好像只写了一半···

The blog has become more and more popular in recent years. As we can see, people of varied ages, occupations and social ranks have their own blogs. They are like their online diaries.
Truly, the blog has some attractive traits. The most important one is that one can share his own feelings and thoughts with others. In this sense, a blog is like a book. Compared with traditional books, blogs have some advantages. For one thing, they can be renewed at the author’s will. For another, the author can choose his readers.
However, as every coin has two sides, the blog also has some drawbacks. First, some authors attack others in their articles. Secondly, since the blog is not a real book, the intellectual property rights of the writer can’t be well protected.
All in all, the blog is like a two-edged sword, which has both merits and flaws. Of course, we should not give up eating for fear of choking. Instead, we should exert proper supervision over it and let it serve us better.

热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 17:10

The development of World Wide Web and the transformation to web 2.0 brought a lot of changes to people’s lives. Because web is all about communication, collaboration, and information sharing between people in the network. In conclusion, the popularity of microblogging is because of all the advantages and privileges they offer.

However with more bustling activities, people need a more simple way to communicate. This is where microblogging takes part.Microblogging is a form of blogging that allow us to share an updated status from instant message, mobile phone, email or the web. It does not matter if it is important to another people or just share daily life activity.

In my view,Microblog both has its advantages and disadvantages.Only use it in a proper way can we have a bright future.追问朋友·咱认真点行么···别随意粘贴啊···

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