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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 12:46



热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 18:26

Today's weather is really strange, morning or cloudy day.At about six o'clock in the afternoon, the sky began to float to the surface of a thin layer of fog, enveloped the mountains in the distance.I thought it was night hazy horizon.After five minutes, when I once again fell on the window overlooking the distance, accidentally discovered the windows on the more granular beads, thin look, each a small drop of water contains a mass of black st and small particles, my strange.Then we go the distance, tall buildings as if on a soft white yarn, neon decorative ribbons and more ethereal; parking cars also opened the fog lights, the lights like a beam of light, very beautiful.Graally dark days down, the window drops more more, slowly, small water sucking more.All the window is so quiet and beautiful, I can not help but also deeply attracted by the....... while I am engaged when, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and it is raining cats and dogs.The rain beat against the glass, the st can also be washed clean.Just the fog, was also blown no shadow.Hey, this is not to say natural book haze phenomenon?I brought home a thick "one hundred thousand why", ha ha, finally found -- to, this is the haze!It is cloudy phenomenon because the air suspension with a lot of smoke, st particles encountered water formed, make the line of sight fuzzy and lead to decreased visibility.No wonder there are tiny spots of the particles of glass, originally is the st in the air is in trouble!Because air pollution is more serious, so the haze weather more, harm is greater.Sometimes the car can not be opened, the plane could not be landed.To rece haze weather, we have to protect environment, more trees, a variety of grass, improve air quality, for the benefit of mankind.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 19:44


热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 21:19

The main reason recently Harbin haze weather is the formation ofmeteorological conditions.
Harbin is not a day over the pollutant accumulation, 4 days earlier,Harbin has been air pollution problems, when Omaha continuous inhigh-pressure cold air control, like to wear a "hat" city so that contaminants do not spread, followed by warm air to the south, inthe muddy, warm air is brought in North China area pollution, air quality and to Harbin covered with a layer of ash. The static winntil yesterday morning, the horizontal direction is not concive to the diffusion of lead pollution, like "snowball" as more heap more,hold in the sky, eventually forming a haze.

雾霾英语作文【1】 Recently, haze weather has become a daily one right here in a large part of China. People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air. So it is necessary to find out the reasons which lead to that and work out the resolution. If we tr...


雾霾英语作文篇1 This winter haze weather has been the concern of everyone, haze great harm, there are several cities have been in its move, so we should enhance the intensity of environmental management, no longer haze weather rampant.The cause of the haze must have many people k...



英语作文《the smog》

关于 雾霾 的英语作文(篇1)Recently,haze weather has become a daily one right here in large part of China.People are forced to wear the mask to avoid breathing poisonous air.So it is necessary to find out the reason why leads to that and work out the resolution.If we trace ...


雾霾原因 This kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources. Natural sources can include windblown dust, and soot from wildfires. Manmade sources can include motor vehicles, and industrial fuel burning, and manufacturing operations. The one of the main cause...


英语作文雾霾篇1 Recently, the weather in Beijing is always foggy, the morning, the surrounding beautiful scenery has bee very vague, the news is also frequently reported haze hail weather and the emergence of serious consequences, haze weather has been serious Affecting the quality of ...




I can not help but also deeply attracted by the... while I am engaged when, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and it is raining cats and dogs.The rain beat against the glass, the dust can also be washed clean.Just the fog, ...


★ 保护环境减少雾霾的英语作文 ★ 关于雾霾的高中英语作文3篇 ★ 雾霾的英语作文100词左右 ★ 雾霾初三英语作文 ★ 关于雾霾的英语作文高中作文 ★ 高三关于雾霾英语作文 ★ 雾霾英语作文题目高中 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为...


upon looking out the window again, I noticed tiny droplets on the glass, each containing a multitude of black dust particles and fine matter. This was quite奇怪.As the day waned, the droplets increased, gradually absorbing the humidity. The windows were a serene and beautiful sight...

上海到舟山旅游2-3日游,住定海,玩朱家尖和桃花岛,请推荐路线 ...王者荣耀》就闪退,还显示很抱歉王者荣耀已停止运行怎么解决? 暑期皖南自驾旅游攻略,暑期皖南自驾旅游攻略 【Excel】如何将标题行固定在顶部 “岁岁长春”的出处是哪里 各位老师,大棚土壤碱性的原因是什么,表现是什么,如何改良呢 ...②高锰酸钾完全分解后的固体 ③硬水 ④软水 ⑤液态氧 ..._百度... ...⑤液氧 ⑥蒸馏水 ⑦高锰酸钾,属于混合物的是 ... 拼多多上的药正规吗?为什么便宜? 拼多多上面的药怎么这么便宜?那么便宜是真的吗? 雾霾对生活的影响,政府和个人该做什么个人的呼吁英语作文 租客提前退租,交还钥匙,房屋使用权问题 关于雾霾和环保的英语作文中英双解50词 房客提前退房且不当面办理交接如何处理? 求一篇不超过80词的关于雾霾的英语作文,内容有影响还有原因和措施... 租客退房时麻烦多,在退租时,业主和租客应该注意哪些问题? 英语作文:(1)雾霾带来的危害(2)作为学生,我们能为治理雾霾做些... 退租时租房者与业主都需注意些什么? 洪都航空属啥板块?洪都航空历史数据股票?洪都航空股票天天下跌? 洪都航空是什么题材股?洪都航空什么时候出业绩报告?洪都航空属于哪个板块股? 洪都航空股是什么行业?洪都航空股票业绩好吗?洪都航空 属于什么板块? 洪都航空股票可以长久持有吗?洪都航空业绩预告是利好还是利空?洪都航空属于什么板块的股? 洪都航空是什么公司股票?洪都航空年度业绩预告?洪都航空股属于什么板块? 手机尾插松动。要用力按着这才能冲上一点点点。 洪都航空是什么板块?洪都航空股票业绩如果?洪都航空按行业标准属于哪个行业? 罗定绉纱鱼腐好吃吗?是把椅子鱼腐吗? 罗定有什么好? 罗定哪里的鱼腐色香味俱全? 罗定鱼腐哪里的比较好吃? 志锦饭店怎么样 求高手写一篇英语作文fight against haze 内容要包括雾霾会造成哪些危害 我们可以采取哪些应对措施 100字 有关通过穹顶之下,认识到雾霾危害的英语作文 房屋退租问题 一场雾霾影响全国大部分地区,以保护环境,减少污染,植树造林写一篇英语作文 租户退租水电费有多的怎么办- 问一问 关于雾霾带来的危害和措施的英语150字作文。高中 如何处理租户提前退租 租户提前退租怎么处理 金暮通说明书 教学课室图纸上的插座受面板开关控制是什么意思? 金暮通多少钱一盒?有用吗? 金暮通怎样,有人用过好不? 金暮通作用和价位,金暮通官网怎么下单买金暮通 左手小指麻木是什么原因 金暮通专注麻痛 如何快速清理掉朋友圈里的僵尸好友 手臂发麻手指无力是怎么回事 金暮通专注麻痛健康生活 手指麻痛走经络怎么走 脚大母指麻木是什么原因 金暮通专注麻痛健康生活嘉善 左手大拇指关节疼怎么回事 克麻祛痛金暮通 轮回右侧胳膊麻是怎么回事 金暮通
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