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跪求英语达人 帮忙翻译一下 句子

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 06:28



热心网友 时间:2023-08-15 15:54

为了更好的维持性别权利的平衡。我们应该设立管理机制并对其实施监督,弃用不平等的制度及法律。准许女性参政。 这是促进世界和平及建立一个公正、和谐环境的好方式。
In order to keep a better balance of gender rights, we should set up the management mechanism and supervise it, and we should discard unequal systems and laws. We should allow females to take part in government and political affairs. This is a good way to promote the world's peace and create a fair and harmonious environment.


热心网友 时间:2023-08-15 15:55

In order to better maintain the gender balance right. We should set up a management mechanism and its supervision, abandoned the system of inequality and the law. To allow women in politics. This is to promote world peace and the establishment of a just and harmonious environment, a good way

热心网友 时间:2023-08-15 15:55

In order to better maintain the gender balance right. We should set up a management mechanism and its supervision, abandoned the system of inequality and the law. To allow women in politics. This is a good way to promote world peace and the establishment of a just and harmonious environment。

3. When depressed, please take a deep breath, rather than blame the whole universe.希望能帮到你~


4. Although he is but a child, he already knows three languages other than his mother-tongue.5、请你帮我找能辅导我小孩语文的老师。5. Please help me to find a literature tutor for my child.6、非关税壁垒由于近几年日益凸显的作用而名声大噪。6. Non-tariff barriers have become f...


1、I attended a summer training camp, this is our team mirror image. 2、This is this school movie studio, you may see that some 30 about camera, also has a very big gate probably in that side, it is said that this gate may advance a tank.3、This is Cinema institute's ...


1.The cybereconomy will have great impact on people‘s lives.2.The sudden disease messed up my whole vocation plan.3.To sum up, the American families are very different between today and fifty years ago.4.It's very important that he introduced researcd progress to us in detail...


5. When I was turing the corner, I glimsed a stranger.6. On second thoughts, the committee decided to give up the plan.7.As soon as the movie star stepped onto the stage, the audience stood up, cheering and applauding.8. After years of efforts, he begins to regard ...


language are different in many ways.2.聋哑人即不会说也不能听(SV结构)Deaf and dumb people can neither speak nor hear.3.那个英国人意大利语说得非常好(SVO结构)The Englishman speaks Italian very well.4.请递给我一杯咖啡好吗(SVOO结构)Would you hand me a cup of coffee?5.这个...


1We are so sorry that the order is late, because the supplier didn't send the goods to us until last Friday.Now the goods has been packed and delivered.We apologize to you again.However,we can not control that.2You can take a number 27 bus to the zoo.Get off at the ...

求 英语达人 帮翻译几个句子 急!!!

1, The seeds of accounting were most-likely first sown in the city of Babylon around 4000 B.C. when record keeping probably began in this civilized area.早在大约公元前四千年的巴比伦,会计的种子就已被播下,当时在这一文明地区可能已经出现了帐簿记录。2, It was beautifully ...


5Is the maledressed like this?6Poor boy, do notever slide like this.7 Where can I buythis dictionary?8It is such a cutequilt. I would like to turn into a giraffe.9We can not lookit in the eye.10 What can youfill in this form? Perhaps you are simply a commander?11 ...


英语达人帮忙翻译两句话 1.在发展经济的同时,我们必须注意节约资源和防止污染(payattentionto)2.显而易见,这个国家的人每时每刻都能喝到新鲜牛奶(available)3.出乎意料的是,他对我们采取友善的态度(attitude)... 1.在发展经济的同时,我们必须注意节约资源和防止污染(pay attention to)2.显而易见,这个国家的人...

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