谁知道gender psychology这本书?心理学 教科书
发布时间:2022-05-26 06:28
时间:2024-05-07 01:22
书名:Gender: Psychological Perspectives
作者:Linda Brannon(注意不是Branner)
版本:6th edition(目前最新的就是第六版)
This text examines the biology and social context in which women and men express gendered behaviors. Defining gender as the behaviors and attitudes that relate to (but are not entirely congruent with) biological sex, the book focuses on research and scholarship to provide the material for a critical review and an overall picture of gender from a psychological perspective. To highlight how research findings can relate to people's lives, the book supplements the review of scholarly research with personal, narrative accounts of gender-relevant aspects of people's lives. To emphasize the cross-cultural perspective of gender, the book including a section on diversity in most chapters but also weaves diversity issues throughout the text. The personal narrative and diversity highlights help to balance the research-based scholarship with the personal experience of gender.
这本书在西方大学心理系中经常被使用的,也是Gender Psychology领域中广为人知的一本教科书。现在已经是2014年了,期待Brannon作者能够尽快写出更好的7th edition!
希望以上信息对你有帮助,祝你学习进步,一切顺利 :-)
时间:2024-05-07 01:22
是这个吗?《Gender: Psychological Perspectives》作者是Linda Brannon。最新版是第六版。
谁知道gender psychology这本书?心理学 教科书
这位朋友你好,百度知道官方认证心理学行家为你提供教科书相关资料。书名:Gender: Psychological Perspectives 作者:Linda Brannon(注意不是Branner)版本:6th edition(目前最新的就是第六版)出版:Pearson,2010年10月5日 教科书简介(英文原版):This text examines the biology and social context in ...
如果直接翻译的话,是psychological gender。 但是在国外某百科上收录的是Gender psychology,将其作为心理学的一部分进行研究。希望能帮到你。
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