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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 04:25




we will work over time and send "catalog" to you in 5th Feb(Beijing)PM /5th Feb (Swiss) AM by e-mail,we are sorry about that 希望我们能给你更多的帮助,谢谢!wish we can give you more help, thanks a lot!附:我们公司的介绍。PS:the introduction of our company ...


I could still work this week. Again I apologize for all the inconvenient, and again, thank you very much.

请各位英语高手帮忙翻译一篇文章! 谢谢! 别用翻译工具翻译后发给...

You think you’re falling in love. You’re really attracted to a certain person. But this happened before, and it was just a “crush.” How can you tell if it’s real this time? Here’s what our readers said:你觉得你恋爱了,你被他深深吸引了。但这并不是第一次了,上次...


I believe in the saying"Man proposes and God disposes. " And more in "Success belongs to the persevering."我相信,总有一天,我将可以把英语说的同汉语一般好。I believe in myself that someday I could make it to speak this language well enough as I do in Mandarin(汉语).而这...


A:你有MP3吗?Do you have a MP3?B:有啊!Yes.A:你的MP3里面的歌曲都是怎么来的?Where did the songs in your MP3 come from?B:网上下载的,除了这个还能怎么来呢?I download them from the internet. Any other way to get the songs except this?A:那可不一定,你从网上下载的时候...


1.As our talking in call/As we said on the phone, if some of the substandard lables are found durning the manufacturing process, we will produce the appropriate quantity as the supplementaries and communicate with TQ department in Shenzhen.或者As our talking in call/As we said on...


1. herein 在合同、协议中一般翻译成“兹”,就是“在此特别...”2. in its capacity 此处 capacity 为“资格,地位,职位[C]”He said that in the capacity as mayor.他是以市长的身份说那番话的。3. disclose 披露 4 party 一般翻译成“××方”或“单方”,“party A”标准文件中翻译...


Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal the bell on his neighbour's door, he walked up to the door, took hold of the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and ...

(汉译英)英语高手帮忙翻译一段文字 越快越好 被采纳再追加100分!!!

1 the regional economy, and introduced the concept and theory of economic domain development mode. Firstly introduces the regional economy and the concept of economy, then domain from the town of economic development on some basic theory of economic development mode of the town were ...


Hello Friends!您好,朋友们!I have some pretty exciting news to tell you about this week.我有一些相当令人激动的消息告诉你,这周。 We are constantly trying to improve Legacy Games so that our customers have the best gaming experience possible.我们正不断努力提高游戏的遗产 ,使...

如何给姓胡宝宝取一个好名字 姓胡怎样取名字最好 iphone无法连接91助手 新当选的村支部,其中有两个人辞职怎么办 ...必须用红雪越狱吗?我用黑雨越狱,91说我没有jailbreak iphone用黑雨破解后为什么无法使用91手机助手 为什么我用黑雨在iphone越了狱还是用不到91助手 iphone的pptv缓存后再看还需要流量吗?如果有假面骑士000腰带模拟,请发q... 假面骑士ooo到哪里下载不是缓存 什么软件可以缓存假面骑士bulid? 什么手机播放器可以播放热门动漫,比如海贼王,妖精的尾巴,假面骑士之类... 一个国家的诞生的演职员表 少儿硬笔书法,二上册课文1《小蝌蚪找妈妈》,四会生字规范书写 我想自考考河北师范大学的汉语言文学本科,但是大学专科没读完,请问可 ... 英语达人进来帮忙翻译一句话,中翻英,非常感谢 ...居安逸莫任性,莫把无时当有时。求事业,知是什么意思不? don't worry.the broken road is under r 私无事莫把无时当有时的这句俗语告诉人们什么? 请帮我翻译翻译这封信,急要!!英语高手进!! “常将有日思无日,莫把无时当有时?”这句话的意思? 常将有日思无日,莫到无时想有时的意思 常将有日思无日,莫把无时当有时的意思是什么? 常将有日思无日, 莫把无时当有时。正是名句( )的解释? 常将有日思无日,莫把无时当有时。的意思? 长江有日思无日,莫把无时当有时的意思? bvs触摸屏一体机好不好?触摸屏一体机哪款性价比高? 莫把无时当有时的上一句是? 莫把无时当有时上一句是什么? 常将有日思无日,莫把无时当有时是什么意思啊? “常将有日思无日,莫把无时当有时”的含义是什么? 长江有日思无日莫把无时当有时的意思和道理是什么 1 小蝌蚪找妈妈(生字视频) 2010年下半年河北自考汉语言文学科目安排 美国黑人现状英文介绍 如何翻译“改造” 哪位英语大师人工帮我翻译一下啊 谢谢啦 急急急 帮忙翻译下摘要(汉译英) 哪位亲能帮我翻译一下这个合同啊?急!!! 翻译一下歌词!!!高手进!!! 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文呢? 写一篇英语文章,我身边的变化 那种素颜霜适合混油皮易长痘的皮肤 求推素颜霜 csgo账号问题 csgo服役勋章最多几转 邯郸和盛新型建筑材料有限公司介绍? 徐州市建筑材料总公司怎么样? 上海虹口建筑材料有限公司怎么样? 北京芬丝特堡建筑材料有限公司怎么样? 厦门鑫大成建筑材料有限公司怎么样? 重庆本道建筑材料有限公司怎么样?
  • 焦点


