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Sonic Youth的《Rats》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 22:47



热心网友 时间:2024-05-25 17:14

歌手:Sonic Youth
专辑:Rather Ripped

Sonic Youth - Rats
★by marissa
When the rats run riot
And the screen door slams
When the trees grow quiet
Nothing but cats and cans
When the breeze says "try it"
But you can't hardly see
When your love has died
And you rat on me
I see your eyes in the half light
I see the number on your wall
Endless strange things I see at night
You don't see anything at all
Shine a light into your soul
City streets so freezing cold
City shadows mark the route
When they let the rats out
You call it love alright
That was the catch
A cold suicide
Let me place you in my past
With other precious toys
But if you're ever feeling lowdown
In the Fractured sunshine
I'll help you feel the noise
Shine down
You can go on home
Shine down
You're working overtime
You are the moon
Beyond your mind
When the rats run riot
And the screen door slams
When the world goes quiet
You won't know where I am
You could be my open road
You could be the reason why
You could ease my heavy load
But i'm gonna freeze you out now
You can let it shine
Keep that in mind
When they let 'm out this time
You could move a little closer
Until you're leaning all up around my shoulder
City shadows mark the route
When they let the rats out

Sonic Youth的《Stones》 歌词

歌手:Sonic Youth 专辑:Sonic Nurse SONIC YOUTH lyrics - Stones Album :Sonic Nurse Lights on the stones on backed-up drain What lovers list on languid stain We've come together to gather star Shooting up stones a pallored heart Dead or alive There's danger The dead are alright ...

Sonic Youth的《Isaac》 歌词

歌手:Sonic Youth 专辑:Goo Song: Isaac Artist: Madonna | Imminilalo Imminilalo undaladilim undaladilim undamyroom Imminilalo Imminilalo Imminilalo Imminilalo Imminilalo Imminilalo Imminilalo Imminilalo Staring up into the heavens In this hell that binds your hands Will you sacri...

Sonic Youth音乐作品

01. "Teen Age Riot" - 这首歌曲在他们的音乐生涯中占有重要地位,标志着他们的叛逆和青春期的狂热。02. "Superstar" - 作为多次出现的曲目,它体现了Sonic Youth的标志性声音和影响力。"Daydream Nation" (2007) - 这张专辑包含了"Teen Age Riot",展示了他们对另类摇滚的深刻探讨和实验性音乐。

Sonic Youth的《Unwind》 歌词

歌手:Sonic Youth 专辑:Washing Machine lay down your lucky hand, upon her heart morning becomes a kite, tangled up in stars Laugh in the midday light, and leave - it behind move out into his sundry eyes, and sing, unwind hang down your lucky head, a sign to time morning be...

Sonic Youth的《Halloween》 歌词

歌手:Sonic Youth 专辑:Screaming Fields Of Sonic Love Halloween Masquerade, masquerade,Grab your mask and don't be late Get out get out well disguised Heat and fever in the air tonight Meet the others at the store,Knock on other people's door Trick or treat they have to choice...

Sonic Youth专辑介绍

2009年,Sonic Youth告别Geffen Records,回归Matador等独立厂牌,发行了The Eternal,展现了他们从主流回归独立后的全新活力。这张专辑的开头曲目《Sacred Trickster》充满了力量和自由,象征着乐队的新生。他们的音乐继续沿袭八十年代末的经典硬核精神,以Thurston Moore的吉他演奏和激情嗓音为特点,尽管岁月流转...


1. 歌磨行纤曲名: Halloween 2. 歌手带者: Sonic Youth 3. 专辑: Screaming Fields Of Sonic Love 4. Halloween 5. Masquerade, masquerade,6. Grab your mask and don't be late 7. Get out get out well disguised 8. Heat and fever in the air tonight 9. Meet the others at the...

Sonic Youth专辑目录

Sonic Youth的音乐旅程中,一系列专辑见证了他们的艺术成长与探索。首先,我们来到了充满力量的起点,《Goo》以其独特的吉他声音和深沉的歌词,奠定了乐队的基石。接着,进入了充满幻想的《Daydream Nation》,这张专辑的创新和复杂性,让人沉浸在一个音乐的梦境中。随后,乐队的音乐风格进一步演变,《...


我们呆在雪地里站了一会儿就走了。我问他"Punk"和"Grunge"的区别。要知道当时著名的《朋克时代》还没出。我每个礼拜都听着李借给我的摇滚磁带,他借给我的都诸如是"GreenDay"、"Blur"、"R。E。M"、"小精灵"、"SonicYouth"这样的乐队,然后下一个礼拜六见面时再还给他。他抠着墙……以上 ...

介绍一下Sonic Youth乐队 推荐一下他们的经典曲目.

乐队在成长过程中愈发成熟老道,音乐更加动听而独立精神和创意却未见减少。90年代无论是英国还是美国的独立摇滚团体无不受到Sonic Youth的巨大影响。而"音速青年”也逐渐成为一支偶像级的明星乐队,他们在90年代的每张专辑都打入了排行榜的前一百名。1.What We Know 2.Antenna 3.Sacred Trickster ...

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