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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 02:56



热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 19:53

Quilt Coca-Cola Company looks upon corporate culture as Internet melting to enter fine Chinese marketplace intermediary. The Coca-Cola Chinese website built last year is a fine go ahead. At present, this takes young person as marriage partner , and outstanding website of entertainment already build interactive nature to have music , to many channels , patronage having attracted uncounted young person's such as film , chat , game. A few days ago, Coca-Cola Company had changed be authority's network reality name service has provided business 3721 companies logons most in in the homeland maximum, coca cola "and so on a series of network is true name , this had indicated the determination that Coca-Cola Company asks to carry network marketing through to the end clearer. Since self clears coca-cola.com Chinese website in August , 2000, the channel builds , it is upperer to adopt a "net different from the usual pattern broadcasts live disregarding being to carry out website by a wide margin, stimulate "dynamic feeling to unite your and I his "large-scale activity mutually, Coca-Cola Company "always continues to increase to the network marketing cherishing. Recently, Coca-Cola Company has made important measure- out once again- taking the lead in opening the "network reality name in a lot of drink enterprise , has become thereby one logon network reality is famous after succeeding companies such as Compaq , LG , Siemens famous enterprise of international. The Coca-Cola logon network reality name already went into effect a few days ago. This will mean: The visitor is required to import Coca-Cola or "vocabulary such as kekoukele "", coca-cola in browser address fence , may enter the Coca-Cola Company website conveniently right away , is imports overlaborate www.coca-cola.com net location but unnecessarily. If the consumer carries out a reconnaissance in Sina , Sohu , 263rd rank of every big search engine , have registered the Coca-Cola "network reality name Coca-Cola net stands already arranging arriving in these reconnaissance engines's the front , direct consumer strike convenience are most not bad in whose website liberty visits. This pay a visit to and inquiry of beyond doubt greatly convenient consumer, prompt the amounts increasing the website pay a visit to, catch for Coca-Cola to more commerce chances.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 19:44

Internet companies as Coca-Cola was the corporate culture into the Chinese market a good media. Last year, the establishment of the Chinese Web site The Coca-Cola is a good start. At present, young people are targeted, interactive and entertaining prominent site has been built music, movies, chat, games and other channels, has attracted numerous young people to patronize. A few days ago, Coca-Cola Company is the largest and most authoritative network of real-name service provider 3721 registered company, "Coca-Cola" and a series of real-name networks, which make it clearer that the Coca-Cola Company "to carry out the marketing networks in the end" of the determination.

Since August 2000 opening of coca-cola.com Chinese Web site, whether it is a significant channel to carry out the construction site, or to try to be different "Webcast", launched the "City of Life Internet you and me," large-scale activities, Coca-Cola Company's marketing network The "love" have been increasing. Recently, Coca-Cola made a major move again - in many beverage companies in the first "open" real-name networks, making it the following Compaq, LG, companies such as Siemens and then a real-name registration network of well-known international companies.

Coca-Cola's network of real-name registration of the entry into force of a few days ago. This means that: visitors can simply enter the browser's address bar, "Coca-Cola" or "kekoukele", "coca-cola", such as vocabulary, you can easily enter the Coca-Cola's Web site, without having to enter cumbersome www.coca -cola.com Web site. If the user in Sina, Sohu, 263, and other major search engines search, registration of the "Coca Cola" the real name of the Web site The Coca-Cola has been arranged in these top search engines, users can click directly on its Web site free access. This is much easier for users to access and information, the rapid increase in site traffic, Coca-Cola to capture more business opportunities.


热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 19:50

Internet companies as Coca-Cola was the corporate culture into the Chinese market a good media. Last year, the establishment of the Chinese Web site The Coca-Cola is a good start. At present, young people are targeted, interactive and entertaining prominent site has been built music, movies, chat, games and other channels, has attracted numerous young people to patronize. A few days ago, Coca-Cola Company is the largest and most authoritative network of real-name service provider 3721 registered company, "Coca-Cola" and a series of real-name networks, which make it clearer that the Coca-Cola Company "to carry out the marketing networks in the end" of the determination.
Since August 2000 opening of coca-cola.com Chinese Web site, whether it is a significant channel to carry out the construction site, or to try to be different "Webcast", launched the "City of Life Internet you and me," large-scale activities, Coca-Cola Company's marketing network The "love" have been increasing. Recently, Coca-Cola made a major move again - in many beverage companies in the first "open" real-name networks, making it the following Compaq, LG, companies such as Siemens and then a real-name registration network of well-known international companies.
Coca-Cola's network of real-name registration of the entry into force of a few days ago. This means that: visitors can simply enter the browser's address bar, "Coca-Cola" or "kekoukele", "coca-cola", such as vocabulary, you can easily enter the Coca-Cola's Web site, without having to enter cumbersome www.coca -cola.com Web site. If the user in Sina, Sohu, 263, and other major search engines search, registration of the "Coca Cola" the real name of the Web site The Coca-Cola has been arranged in these top search engines, users can click directly on its Web site free access. This is much easier for users to access and information, the rapid increase in site traffic for the Coca-Cola to capture more business opportunities.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 19:47


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5.他证明自己是一个有事业心的人(prove)6.他还没意识到健康的重要性(aware)7.他让自己坐在后排(seat)8.你知道西方和亚洲食物的区别吗?(difference)9.土地贫瘠的地方长不出好庄稼 10.西方食物通常被认为是垃圾食物 11.农民们在有自然水源的地方养鱼(种)水中植物 12.他的话使在场的每一个人都很...


英文:1. Personal income tax Calculation := Gross taxable wages paid-personal reference to the social security part-1600 Personal income tax * = taxable wage rate-Susuankouchushu 2. Pay period : monthly from 1 to 31 (on the 30th)3. Payroll Day Wages usually on the 28th of ...


is too hot, we have played a meeting, was weak on the physical strength. I went to the retail shop to buy the bottle ice water, after treating drank up, we start to play the pingpong. . . . After going home, as soon as I passed through the gate pour on the bed....

急急!求在线翻译,越准越好 中译英

1 I'll have him stand up.2 I will let him out.3 My father was a doctor.4 because he likes to help others.5 because this is her dream 6 I want to be a chef.7 because I like to cook (以上绝对正确)


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