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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 04:39



热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 06:58

It`s very difficult for people who have never kept a dog to tell how many hours does a dog sleep every day.And I got an unexpected answer to this question after my observation.

Let`s just leave the previous question behind first.Let`s see what does it do when a common little dog doesn`t sleep,and how long do those behaviors take.

Drainage:Thirty minutes by four times is one hundred and twenty
minutes(two hours)

Dining:Forty minites by three time is twenty minutes(two hours)

Other Free activities:one hour


The reason for me to consider that it takes dogs forty minutes to have meal is here:Dogs have a peculiarity.They will not leave the table if masters don`t leave first which also irritates masters.So it is proper to calculate this period of time as half an hour with some spare time capacity


The total time for dogs to be awake is five hours per day,other time is for sleep--about nineteen hours.Of curse, if dogs do some daily thing by using shorter time.The sleep could be longer.For example,if some dogs eat once a day and less.

Maybe someone doesn`t believe that dog really sleeps that long.The answer is positive.But in this approximately twenty hours dogs are in a condition of half awake and half asleep at the most of time. They stay in sharp and if there is any sound they will give alarm.

This is the secret of dog`s sleep.

呵呵 给你翻译东西 也学了不少东西啊。。。。


热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 06:58

我翻译的指导思想:1,遵守题目的要求,忠于原文;2,符合文法和语用习惯;3,追求地道,简洁,生活化。 当然,理想跟现实是有差距的,疏漏之处,请大家指正。谢谢。

Divertive Discovery on the Secret of a Puppy's Sleep
Author:Relaxing World

Para 1
For those guys without the experience of raising a puppy, it's pretty difficult to make out his number of hours spent in dreams. And after my own oberservation, a conclusion beyond all expectations is reached.

Para 2
Let's take a look at what an ordinary puppy does when he is awake, and how much time these activities cost, before examine his time of slumber.

Para 3
Excretion: 30 mins. by 4 times: 120 mins.(2hrs.)
Eating:40 mins. by 3 times: 120 mins. (2hrs.)
Free time for fun: one hour.

Para 4
我为什么将狗的吃饭时间说成每次40分钟呢,因为狗有个特点,人不吃完,狗也不会离开饭桌,这也是让吃饭的主人恼火的。把这段 时间的统计留些余地,统一成半个小时左右即可。
The puppy's time consumed in eating is described as 40 minutes one time, as dogs have the habitus to stick to the table before humans finish their meals, and this is also what drives their dining owners crazy. Additionally, 30 minutes should be considered as an acceptable margin left for the aggregate time.

Para 5
以上合计狗不睡觉的消耗的时间是五小时,其他时间就是狗的一天睡觉时间,19小时左右.当然了,如果狗一天某一单项做的时间少, 那睡觉的时间还要延长。例如有的狗一天就吃一顿饭,而且吃的也少的话。
A puppy's awake time, as sum of above, is five hours, and the approximate rest 19 hours is his sleeping time. Sure, your puppy could have more time to enjoy his sweet sleep if he spent less time on any single item above. For instance, a dog who had merely one poor meal a day.

Para 6
You may question, does a puppy really sleep that much? The anwser is affirmative. Yet he remains in a semiconscious state in most of these 20 hours or so. Being half-dazed, a puppy is still on the alert and would not hesitate to bark his warning out, if there is any other remarkable happenings.

Para 7
This is the secret of a puppy's sleep.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 06:59








Author: relax the World

Never raised a dog person, it is difficult to know a dog day is the number of hours of sleep, and I observations are given a surprising answer.

We need to let us not refer to how much time the dog sleep, we take a look at an ordinary dog do not sleep all of these activities require much time.

Excretion: 30 minutes × 4 times = 120 minutes (2 hours)
Dinner: 40 minutes × 3 times = 120 minutes (2 hours)
Other free play: 1 hour

Why do I will be a dog's dinner time as 40 minutes each time, because dogs have a characteristic of people do not eat, dogs would not leave the dinner table, this is also the owner of a meal so that the irritated. The time that it takes to leave more room for the statistics, can be unified into a half an hour or so.

Dogs do not sleep more than the total consumption of time is five hours at other times of the day is the dog to sleep time, 19 hours. Of course, if the dog in a single day to do less time, it would also like to extend the time to sleep. For example, some dogs eat a meal a day, and eat less so.

It is probably not believe that dogs are really so much time you sleep, the answer is yes, but nearly 20 hours of time, most dogs in the semi-半睡awake. This time they are still in a state of alert, if there are other ring, they will immediately report to the police.

This is the dog to sleep on the fans.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 06:59








Never raised a dog person, it is difficult to know a dog day is the number of hours of sleep, and I observations are given a surprising answer.

We need to let us not refer to how much time the dog sleep, we take a look at an ordinary dog do not sleep all of these activities require much time.

Excretion: 30 minutes × 4 times = 120 minutes (2 hours)

Dinner: 40 minutes × 3 times = 120 minutes (2 hours)

Other free play: 1 hour

Why do I will be a dog's dinner time as 40 minutes each time, because dogs have a characteristic of people do not eat, dogs would not leave the dinner table, this is also the owner of a meal so that the irritated. The time that it takes to leave more room for the statistics, can be unified into a half an hour or so.

Dogs do not sleep more than the total consumption of time is five hours at other times of the day is the dog to sleep time, 19 hours. Of course, if the dog in a single day to do less time, it would also like to extend the time to sleep. For example, some dogs eat a meal a day, and eat less so.

It is probably not believe that dogs are really so much time you sleep, the answer is yes, but nearly 20 hours of time, most dogs in the semi-半睡awake. This time they are still in a state of alert, if there are other ring, they will immediately report to the police.

This is the dog to sleep on the fans.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 07:00

It's very difficult for people who have never kept a dog to tell how many hours does a dog sleep every day.And I got an unexpected answer to this question after my observation.

Let's just leave the previous question behind first.Let's see what does it do when a common little dog doesn't sleep,and how long do those behaviors take.

Drainage:30 minutes by 4 times is 120 minutes(2 hours)

Dining:40 minites by 3 times is 120 minutes(2 hours)

Other Free activities:1 hour

The reason for me to consider that it takes dogs forty minutes to have meal is here:Dogs have a peculiarity.They will not leave the table if masters don't leave first which also irritates masters.So it 's proper to calculate this period of time as half an hour with some spare time capacity.


The total time for dogs to be awake is five hours per day,other time is for sleep--about nineteen hours.Of curse, if dogs do some daily thing by using shorter time.The sleep could be longer.For example,if some dogs eat once a day and less.

Maybe someone doesn't believe that dog really sleeps that long.The answer is positive.But in this approximately twenty hours dogs are in a condition of half awake and half asleep at the most of time. They stay in sharp and if there is any sound they will give alarm.

This is the secret of dog's sleep.

Other Free activities:one hour 我为什么将狗的吃饭时间说成每次40分钟呢,因为狗有个特点,人不吃完,狗也不会离开饭桌,这也是让吃饭的主人恼火的。把这段 时间的统计留些余地,统一成半个小时左右即可。The reason for me to consider that it takes dogs forty minutes to have meal is here:...

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