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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 23:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 01:13

Junior high school life is coming to an end here, I wish to thank my teachers, you have given me great help and support. Secondly, I would like to thank my classmates, thank you for your friendship and fraternity. Now, I would like to talk about my dream。 it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher. you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge. they might become stronger and cleverer because of me. that is a very contented feeling. china is a developing country. chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent. so teachers in china might be very very important. they can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place. do you think that i have a good dream? i will work hard to make my dream become true! thanks~

写初三毕业的英语作文 范文 篇1 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and fellow graduates,It is a great honor for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating class of 2008.It has been three great years for us to study in this beautiful school. Our ...


the best way is to use it every day.翻译:当学校的 *** 再次响起的时候,我就要和我的初中生活说再见了。此刻我感觉到如此的累,以至于我只想回家好好睡一觉。我将像一只飞鸟一样自由,并且可以做我喜欢做的事。放假期间,我想要干什么呢?当然有很多,但是我最想做的一件事是去提高我的英语。


各位敬爱老师,同学们:大家好!今天,我站在这里,代表全体初三毕业生向我们的母校道别,向×三中的老师们道别,向朝夕相处的同窗们道别,也向这段不能忘怀的岁月道别!让我们真诚的向老师们说一声:谢谢 my dear teachers and classmates ,good evening !today i stand here to stand for all our g...


Hello, everyone. It is a great honor for me to be here to express my feelings.My friends, it is time for us to say goodbye. However, I will forget the golden days of junior high school. They are forever locked in my memories! In the past three years, I am grateful tha...


it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher. you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher,...


Hello everyone, My name is ANGELA. I am 13 years old this year, the sixth grade, I immediately have to face the beginning of a small rise. I am a lovely girl, have big eyes, small nose and rosy lips. I was ... the first primary school, I like English, but I also ...


Hello,everyone.New term has been half a month.All of us have our new-term resolutions.We're all studying harder and harder.Of course,we're also stressed out every day.So how to relax?Let me give you some advice.First,talk to someone.Talking about problems can sometimes help ...

翻译下面的毕业演讲 翻译成英语 急--- 谢谢各位了 初三水平

Teacher, my dear students:Good afternoon!I am honored to stand on the podium finish my graduation speech, time, such as top spinning, three years of relentless flow of time may gradually flow away from the ignorant people changed to Young and Innocent young children passed the ...

请大家帮我想一篇英语作文。 围绕 初三毕业后想干什么?对以后的学习...

It's not long before i graduate from middle school.I have planed something to do during the summer vacation .First of all ,I would like to take part in a summer camp where I can learn english speaking and some other subjects for senior high school .It's of great...


步入了初中,就证明你们已经结束了儿童时代了,你们在慢慢走向成熟。所以,我建议:1.不要在以玩乐为主,好好学习,为你们中考打好基础 2.多多维持好学生关系,因为步入高中后,你依然会想起你初中的玩伴,以后的你们将会留下美好的回忆 3.学会感恩,在以后的日子里,老师就向你们的父母一样,关心着...

电表到进户这一段儿现老旧了。我出现在不在维修电工范围之内? 传祺gs7和gs8哪个好 精液不液化症怎么治好 深圳最高楼是那座,多少层 深圳最高的大厦是哪座 深圳最高的大厦叫什么大厦,地处什么区 北京华业鲲鹏商贸有限公司怎么样? 宜昌三峡制药有限公司简介 鲲鹏万里(厦门)石材贸易有限公司怎么样? 葫芦岛鲲鹏贸易有限公司怎么样? 内向木讷嘴巴不会说话脸皮薄,怎么办? 幼稚木讷,不会说话,没有主见,改变起来很难,帮忙做个计划,该怎么办? 我是一个没想法,没优势,不会表达,嘴笨且木讷的人,有什么方法改变吗? 怎样才可以改变自己木讷、不善交际、不懂沟通的状况? 天生木讷忧郁不会说话不会观察,有自闭症倾向,无论面对什么人都觉得紧张内心想哭怎么办? 腹肌的魅力,什么技巧能轻松练出马甲线? 《欧也妮·葛朗台》的主体内容是什么? 擦了护手霜,手还是太干,怎么办? 天天擦护手霜,手还是粗糙怎么办? 为什么我的手即使抹了很多护手霜可还是很干燥?粗糙? 我的手脚都很干,擦护手霜也没用,怎么办呀? 手部皮肤干燥,擦了护手霜还是一样,怎么办? 手很爱干,擦了护手霜以后没多久就又干了,每天要涂好多次,有没有什么保湿效果好的护手霜呀? 手上皮肤很干燥,涂了好多护手霜都没用,怎么办呢? 为什么涂了护手霜 手还是会干裂? 手上的皮肤很干燥,不管涂多少护手霜都没用,这到底要怎么办呢? 手涂了护手霜还是比较干怎么办? 为什么我天天用护手霜但是手还是很干 为什么我用了护手霜,皮肤还是非常干呢? 手每天都涂护手霜,为什么还是很干? 好运宝怎么注册账号? 好运宝钱包怎么开通? 感觉自己太木纳怎么办? 我性格内向优柔寡断木讷,平时跟任何人说话唠嗑都紧张,不知道该说些什么 电脑如何设置音响音量 性格木讷,怎么改变? 突然觉得自己,一点没有优点都没有。很笨,性格内向,不会说话。有贼心没贼胆。该怎么办才能改变? 天性木讷,有什么办法可以改变!? 英语作文 内容是初三中考结束后要毕业了 你代表初三学生在毕业典礼上发表演讲 不会说话木讷怎么办 手机怎么开通好运宝收款? 总感觉自己木讷,不会说话,特别是跟女孩子在一起时。我该怎么办呢? 电脑系统音量和音响音量怎么调节 内向,木讷,老实的男孩如何改变,我发觉自己越来越内向了,自从上次的恋爱失败,自己越来越内向 好运宝怎么解除注册信息 如何改变自己木讷的形象 好运宝注册车牌号换驾驶员了,要不要改 好运宝司机版运费怎么提现 打开一个网页,怎样查看该网页的编程查找该网页的flash代码? 深圳市高三学生有多少人
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