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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 07:39



热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 18:32

Become good friends is a kind of fate, I and Ma Tianyin is. At the age of five, we met in the swimming training class, began to learn swimming, is from boarding kindergarten, playing computer, members of the chorus, musical instruments...
  She is very cute, a small word in her body is the most prominent. A little man, in front of the ranks, and firmly occupy the position. The first meeting of the people thought she was in grade two. Small face and healthy sunshine, small nose fleshy, small eyes flashing light of happiness, especially the small and thin lips gather together into a glib mouth.also mouth small.
  Have a glib is probably because of it, she can read very well, is our English class representative. The third grade, I participated in the English test, a do not know where to go and ask her. She was enthusiastic about helping and moved to her English expert, her mother and father, to answer my phone calls, so that I can pass the exam smoothly. I am very grateful.
  She has a bad habit, absent-minded. Hey, her red scarf badge, lost the N times, the general teacher and her most "better", because the old want to go there to buy! The teacher down the exercise volume, not just in hand, the twinkling of an eye is not the shadow of. At this time, I became her secretary, back home to help her copy practice volume. I can't remember how many times she has been copied. Every day at 5 o'clock, my phone rang the bell often, this is her telephone Nive out of ten. "What words do you want to copy today?" "What is the work done on the number?" "Read the questions on the blackboard." "Do you want to wear school uniform tomorrow?"...... So that a few days of the phone does not come, but I feel some of the not used to.
  Our exchanges for many years, each other think of each other, travel, will be the other side with a gift, a good will be used to share. Although sometimes quarrel is not happy, but more for our contacts to add a lot of color, I cherish this love.
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