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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 13:32



热心网友 时间:2024-11-12 08:17

Watermelon is a tender, warm-season crop that can be cultivated across the country. However, the warmer climates and longer growing seasons in southern regions are particularly well-suited for watermelon cultivation. Gardeners in northern climates should opt for early-maturing varieties and make use of transplants to ensure a successful harvest. Applying black plastic mulch helps to warm the soil beneath, accelerating growth. Using floating row covers provides insulation for young plants, offering some protection against unexpected cold snaps.
Seedless watermelons are a self-sterile hybrid that proce fruit with a normal appearance but lack fully developed seeds. These are created by crossing a standard diploid watermelon with a genetically modified tetraploid variety. The seeds from this cross result in plants that, when pollinated by typical watermelon plants, yield seedless melons.
In seedless watermelons (genetic triploids), rudimentary seed structures form but remain underdeveloped. They are small, soft, white, and tasteless, with tiny seedcoats that are essentially undetected and consumed along with the fruit's flesh. The proction of seeds for these seedless varieties is a labor-intensive process, driving up their cost. Due to the weaker germination compared to standard varieties, it is advisable to start them in peat pots or similar containers that allow for close monitoring of germination conditions. Once transplanted, their cultivation parallels that of conventional watermelons. To facilitate fruit set through pollination, it's essential to interplant normal seeded varieties with the seedless ones. The pollinator variety should differ from the seedless in color, shape, or type to facilitate easy separation of seeded and seedless melons ring harvest. Seedless types, as they do not allocate energy to seed proction, often result in sweeter flesh and more robust vines as the growing season progresses.
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