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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 13:33



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 09:26

My name am Liu Xiaoying, 25 years old, graduate from the Heilongjiang traveling technology institute aviation service specialty, I once did in the call center sue special commissioner, the clothing company am super consultant, had the very strong service to realize and to sell the experience, but also once has been administrative secretary, knew very well the office software, the manner was responsible earnestly. I first to am the aviation booking, second to the aviation booking, hoped your firm can affirm I understand me, believed touches down, you will satisfy my result. Thanks!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 09:20

My name is LiuXiao Ying, 25 years old, graduated from heilongjiang tourism institute of technology of aviation services professional, I worked in call centers do complain commissioner, clothing company do super consultants, and have a strong sense of service and sales experience, still had done administrative secretary, be familiar with office software, the manner is responsible earnestly. My first to air ticket, second to is to or air ticket to, hoped your firm can sure I understand me, believe in touch down, you'll be pleased with my performance. Thank you!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 09:22

My name is LiuXiao Ying, 25 years old, graduated from heilongjiang tourism institute of technology of aviation services professional, I worked in call centers do complain commissioner, clothing company do super consultants, and have a strong sense of service and sales experience, still had done administrative secretary, be familiar with office software, the manner is responsible earnestly. My first to air ticket, second to is to or air ticket to, hoped your firm can sure I understand me, believe in touch down, you'll be pleased with my performance. Thank you!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 09:22

My name is LiuXiao Ying, twenty five years old, graduated from heilongjiang tourism institute of technology of aviation services professional, I worked in call centers do complain commissioner, clothing company do super consultants, and have a strong sense of service and sales experience, still had done administrative secretary, be familiar with office software, the manner is responsible earnestly. My first to air ticket, second to is to or air ticket to, hoped your firm can sure I understand me, believe in touch down, you'll be pleased with my performance. Thanks !
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