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请将郎朗1982年出生在沈阳,三岁开始学习钢琴,十一岁获得德国青年钢琴大 ...

发布网友 发布时间:1天前



热心网友 时间:1天前

Lang lang 1982 born in shenyang, three-year-old began to learn the piano, eleven get Germany youth piano contest, thirteen won the second prize, he was the first Tchaikovsky in Beijing's great hall of the people to give recitals pianist, he was the first by steinway piano manufacturers in its 150 years history to an artist named product series pianist he was the first to enter the Carnegie Hall, also be its board of Chinese history's most young directors, and be included in "the greatest artist series".

热心网友 时间:1天前

Lang lang 1982 born in shenyang, three-year-old began to learn the piano, eleven get Germany youth piano contest, thirteen won the second prize, he was the first Tchaikovsky in Beijing's great hall of the people to give recitals pianist, he was the first by steinway piano manufacturers in its 150 years history to an artist named product series pianist he was the first to enter the Carnegie Hall, also be its board of Chinese history's most young directors, and be included in "the greatest artist series".

热心网友 时间:1天前

Lang Lang, was born in 1982 in Shenyang, China. Started learning the piano at age of 3. When he was 11, he won the first prize in the Germany Youth Piano Competition. He also won the first prize in the Tchaikovsky Competition. He's the first pianist to given recitals in Beijing's Great Hall of the People. Also, he's the first artist named product series of the Steinway Piano manufacturers in its 150 years history. He's the first Chinese to enter the Carnegie Hall Board of Directors, he also is the most young directors, and included in " The Greatest Artist Series". (我做了一点小小的添加,原意没有任何变化,只是更加艺术化,希望能采纳!)
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