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《最长一码》 movie reviw 高手帮忙吖……

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-20 14:18



热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 18:55

  Inmate, fugitive, criminal, convict.

  Just so you know.

  I wanted to see from myself.

  Run, Forrest, run!

  Everything is looking up.

  Sick, degenerate convicts

  I’ll leave it up to you guys.

  Lights out.

  Don’t kiss and tell.

  --I’m innocent.
  --Yeah. Ain’t we all.

  Knock it off.

  You’re the criminal. Be creative.

  I got something for him. 我有办法对付他。

  What are you? Brain-dead?

  I think he just shit himself.

  A man in my position donesn’t leave things to chance.

  Blowout (比赛)一边倒

  The warden wants to pin caretaker’s murder on me.

  We are convicts. We always go for it all.

  You’ve got a lot of balls.

  I’ll back you off

  You wanna try the tears of a man? Then I suppose you can watch this film.
  Here you may find the eternal fascination of Hollywood. Its movie is like a box of chocalate; you'll never know what you're ganna get. It may bore you to death but you always have a chance to be cheared up till the very last second. Good playwrights and directors are just like wizards. Only the people who have undergone their magic can tell the feelings.
  OK, after this bunch of nonsense, I'd better get back to this film. As a self-alleged semi-professional movie critic, I'd always like to "dismember" a film to pieces. The deeper meaning of the script, the lines, the performance of the actors, the operation of the director, the details handling, the shooting, even the music. Then I get the conclusion whether it is a good film. But sometimes I'll just shriek out: God damn it! This is really a *ing great movie! Even I know that the story is unrealistic and there are many unreasonable plots in it. Because for God's sake, it really makes me wanna cry. Frankly speaking, few movies have the abilty to achieve that. The Shawshank Redemption, Brave Heart, and maybe The Legend of 1900, now here is another one.
  This is purely a men's film. No bullshit, no women. If you wanna win the dignity and respect in a men's world, you'd better to be very tough. I begin to understand why the "barbaric" American football is so popular in the US. The code between men is kind of addictive.
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