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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-19 12:50



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 23:45


you believe,
that l've changed your life forever
and you're never gonna find
another somebody like me.
and you wish,
you had more than just a lifetime
to give back all i've given you
and that's what you believe.
but i owe you
the sunlight in the morning
and the nights of all this loving
that time can't take away.
and i owe you
more than life ,now more than ever
i know that it's the sweetest debt
i'll ever have to pay.
i am amazed
when you say it's me you live for
you know that when i'm holding you.
you're right where you belong
and my love,
i can't help but smile with wonder.
when you tell me all i've done for you
'cause i've known all along.
but i owe you
the sunlight in the morning
and the nights of all this loving
that time can't take away.
and i owe you
more than life ,now more than ever
i know that it's the sweetest debt
i'll ever have to pay.
'cause i owe you
the sunlight in the morning
and the nights of all this loving
that time can't take away.
and i owe you
more than life, now more than ever
i know that it's the sweetest debt
i'll ever have to pay.

那一 l've 永远地改变了你的生活
但是 i 亏欠你
而且 i 亏欠你
比生活更多 ,现在比往常更多的
i 知道它是最甜的债务
i 被吃惊

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 23:52

you believe,
that l've changed your life forever
and you're never gonna find
another somebody like me.
and you wish,
you had more than just a lifetime
to give back all i've given you
and that's what you believe.
but i owe you
the sunlight in the morning
and the nights of all this loving
that time can't take away.
and i owe you
more than life ,now more than ever
i know that it's the sweetest debt
i'll ever have to pay.
i am amazed
when you say it's me you live for
you know that when i'm holding you.
you're right where you belong
and my love,
i can't help but smile with wonder.
when you tell me all i've done for you
'cause i've known all along.
but i owe you
the sunlight in the morning
and the nights of all this loving
that time can't take away.
and i owe you
more than life ,now more than ever
i know that it's the sweetest debt
i'll ever have to pay.
'cause i owe you
the sunlight in the morning
and the nights of all this loving
that time can't take away.
and i owe you
more than life, now more than ever
i know that it's the sweetest debt
i'll ever have to pay.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 23:53

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