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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-20 13:17



热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 08:55

1. No Day Off (Live) is performed by the artists Vinida (万妮达) and BLOWFEVER, with RED8红八 credited for the composition. The lyrics are written by Vinida (万妮达) and BLOWFEVER, and the track is arranged by Peach K.
2. The song features Blow Fever asserting his presence and emphasizing his unique style, while Vinida showcases her prowess from the outset, declaring her natural flair and fearlessness.
3. The phrase "No day off ay" is repeated, emphasizing the dedication and relentless pursuit of success demonstrated by the artists.
4. Blow Fever and Vinida assert their individuality and uniqueness, stating that they are not afraid of任何人 (anyone), including those who want to challenge them.
5. The artists express their confidence in their abilities, mentioning their journey ("Came a long way") and their ongoing commitment to their craft.
6. A competitive spirit is apparent as the artists mention a 1v1 battle, challenging opponents to match their skill and asserting their dominance in the rap game.
7. The lyrics imply a critical view of social media, highlighting the artificiality of online personas and the desire for fame without substance.
8. The singer's unwavering self-assurance is underscored by the line "You can take my money, You can take my lover"; they are unafraid of losing material possessions or relationships.
9. The artist emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and dedicates the song to their genuine passion, declaring that they only bow to themselves.
10. The singer humorously dismisses those who undervalue their efforts, comparing themselves to expensive delicacies and indicating their worth is not to be underestimated.
11. The artist boasts about their authenticity, rejecting the need for others' adoration as a validation of their existence, and instead maintains an internal fervor driving their artistry.
12. The singer asserts their revitalized self, advising others not to be overconfident and to seek improvement, suggesting that proper guidance in skills is necessary.
13. RED 8 红八 is introduced as a platform in Shanghai that supports aspiring artists, offering a variety of services that contribute to their growth and exposure in the music industry.
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  • 焦点


