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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-21 21:57



热心网友 时间:2024-11-09 23:48

Also remembered high school's a games, I reported 100 meters fences, competition day before I entreated my mother to buy a pair of day price for me the nike track shoes, in order to I could obtain the result in the competition, the second day positive pass was beautiful, the competition had to start, all contestant's track shoes very were all ordinary except me are closing positive are exuding the dazzling silver light, by now one kind liked a crane among chickens the feeling arose spontaneously, probably I already sat in the champion throne, the competition had ended, my this pair of shoes finally flew the key point, the champion have put on pair of very broken shoesOn the shoes that two conspicuous holes look like a smiling face to despise look at me, had understood from that later me puts on any not to be unimportant, the semblance is unimportant, more importantly wants some branch beautiful heart, makes one to have the connotation person.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-09 23:49

Still remember the first high school games, I reported that a 100-meter hurdles, the day before the race I begged my mother for the price I bought a pair of Nike running shoes so that I can achieve good results in competitions, the second day of bright Guan Yang, on the game To get started, all the players in addition to my running shoes are very common in the under-Yang Fan Zhao Guan bright silver light, when a crane standing among chickens began feeling as if I had been sitting on a throne of the championship, game over, This is my last pairs of shoes over a key champion was wearing a pair of broken shoes, shoes on the two prominent holes like a smiling face contempt of looked at me since I see what to wear is not important, Appearance is not important, it is important to have a beautiful section of the heart, there is a connotation.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-09 23:49

Also remembered that a high school's games, I reported the 100-meter hurdle, competition's preceding day of I pleaded my mother to buy one pair of day price for me nike the track shoes, so that I could can make the progress in the competition, second day of Yangguan was beautiful, the competition must start, all contestant's track shoes were very ordinary except me under Yangguan the pan-dazzling silver light, by now one kind liked a crane among chickens the feeling arose spontaneously, probably I already sat in the champion throne, the competition have ended, my this pair of shoes flew finally the key point, the champion have put on pair of very broken shoes, on the shoes thatTwo conspicuous holes look like a smiling face to despise look at me, from then on I had understood puts on anything not to be unimportant, the semblance is unimportant, more importantly wants some branch beautiful heart, human who makes one to have the connotation.
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