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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-21 11:41



热心网友 时间:2024-11-11 16:26

The accounts receivable means business enterprise because credit sale proct or provide rent service but become of should accept amount of money, is an important item of business enterprise current assets.Say to the sale, accounts receivable's ising goods has been already sold, but the funds didn't press a plan to return smoothly.True circumstance's ising that property is concted by the other party, the other party can adjust one degree usage arbitrarily, but this business enterprise is beyond control, becoming "virtual property" of the business enterprise inside certain period, only becoming then can participate this business enterprise reproction process after flowing into the business enterprise for the cash now, create new income for the business enterprise.So say the accounts receivable is what business enterprise owns, passing by the certain period then can cash of legal right.Therefore, in take back before hold sometimes, it will not increase in value not only, wanting on the contrary to let the business enterprise pay for it with changing of time.If business enterprise's shoulding accept amount of money can't take back in time, the business enterprise funds can't continue to turnovered, normal of operation activity drive , will bring about negative influence on the funds operation of business enterprise oneself not only, and may also cause an of business enterprise to bear debt mutually, become a serious chain debts problem thus, formation vicious cycle, according to statistics our country have 80% above business enterprise is deeply perplexed by"chain debts", the business enterprise bears debt a payment to be up to around ten thousand 100000000 dollarseses mutually;If the accounts receivable of business enterprise once becoming foolish , will make this part of funds is die, make the business enterprise suffer serious finance loss, even will endanger the existence and the development of business enterprise.Strengthen the management of accounts receivable, avoid or rece losing occurrence, promise the business enterprise concts an activity normally carry on, raise the economic benefits of business enterprise, is very have to with important.The business enterprise should adopt valid measure, taking in to prevent°froed and solving hard.

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