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以运动,电影为题的英语作文各一篇,急急急~! 在线等

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-21 08:21



热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 17:53

  关于运动的英语作文What We Want from Sports
  Students in our school have one thing in common- an interest in sports. According to their different intentions in taking part in sports, they fall into three groups.
  Many students go to the playground when they tired after a few hours of study, These students put much more tress on their study efficiency than the fun of sports, They just want to go back to their classrooms from the playground with a clearer and quicker mind. Thus they don't actually care whether they can enjoy themselves on theplayground. Most of them choose long distance running, the kind of exercise which few real sports enthusiasts like. So this group of students can be well labeled as study-- oriented participation.
  Students that make up the second group are real sports lovers. Sometimes they even put aside their studies for a match. They take part in the sport that interests them most, not caring whether it is most beneficial to their health. They may be called fun-oriented sports participants.
  The third group want beauty from sports. Boys want to become strong; girls want to be slim and graceful. Those who consider sports the only way of recing weight also belong to this group. They are very careful in choosing the kind of exercise they do, and are afraid that certain sports may ruin their figures. Horizontal bars and parallel bars are the boy's choice, and the hula hoop is now the girls' favorite. The appropriate name for this group may be beauty - oriented sports participants.
  No matter which group we belong to, we all benefit from sports. If you look around the campus, you will find that bookworms have disappeared, and, instead, there are healthy, strong, clever, modernized students everywhere.
  The story happened ring the Second World War.Rick worked for American Intelligence Agency[1] in Paris. One day he met with Ilsa in Paris. They soon fell in love and planned to marry. However, with the German's march into Paris, they had to give up the plan and wished to get to Marseilles by train and married there. But just before the leaving by train, Rick received a letter from Ilsa, saying that she couldn't go with him. So he had to pass through many places to Casablanca and runs a Cafe[2] there. One night, he met Ilsa at his Cafe, who escaped with her husband to Casablanca. They hoped to obtain exit visas here and escaped to the New World At first, Rick can't forgive that Ilsa's gone back on[3] her word. At first he refuses to help them get the exit visas. Learning this Ilsa determines to go alone to see Rick.
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