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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 14:52



热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 13:59

I have been working for six years. In these six years, I have worked many jobs such as statistics specialist, assistant to the manager, warehouse manager, purchase specialist, and quality control coordinator. I have learned and improved a lot through the jobs I have done. I believe that coordination and cooperation is the most important things in having the job done. Work as a coordinator needs a great deal of adaptation. Coordinator work can train one's ability to judge and to think, can also make a person keep sober and reasonable at all times. I love this kind of work, and I will enhance my ability and improve myself in working the job.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 13:56


热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 13:58

I have been working for 6 years. In the 6 years, i have done lots of work such as Statistic, Assistant for Manager, Store Management, Purchasing, Quality Control and Coordinator. I learned much from these works and improved myself a lot. I believe that the coordination comes first in the work. To coordinate, one should have strong flexiblity. Coordination could enhance the judgement and ideation of a person and keep one be clear-headed and well-organized. I like this kind of job very much. At the same time i will promote my ability in this aspect effortly.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 14:01

I worked already for six years, middle these six years, I did very has
worked, has: Statistical, assistant to work manager, storehouse
management, purchase, quality control and coordination. I have learned
very many knowledge in the work, oneself also had the very big
enhancement. I thought completes importantly the work is completes the
coordination. The coordinated work must have greatly strengthened
应变力. He has raised the human judgment and the thought ability,
can let the human all maintain soberly, the reason in each kind of
environment. I like this kind of work very much, at the same time I
also can continue to enhance in this aspect ability.
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