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Surrendering (Album Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 11:50



热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 23:22

歌曲名:Surrendering (Album Version)
歌手:Alanis Morissette
专辑:Under Rug Swept

you were full and fully capable
you were self sufficient and needless
your house was fully decorated in that sense
you were taken with me to a point
a case of careful what you wish for
but what you knew was enough to begin
and so you called and courted fiercely
so you reached out, entirely fearless
and yet you knew of reservation and how it serves
and I salute you for your courage
and I applaud your perseverance
and I embrace you for your faith in the face of adversarial forces
that I represent
so you were in but not entirely
you were up for this but not totally
you knew how arms length-ing can maintain doubt
and so you fell and you're intact
so you dove in and you're still breathing
so you jumped and you're still flying if not shocked
and I support you in your trusting
and I commend you for your wisdom
and I'm amazed by your surrender in the face of threatening forces
that I represent
you found creative ways to distance
you hid away from much through humor
your choice of armor was your intellect
and so you felt and you're still here
and so you died and you're still standing
and so you softened and you're still safely in command
self protection was in times of true danger
your best defense to mistrust and be wary
surrendering a feat of unequalled measure
and I'm thrilled to let you in
overjoyed to be let in in kind

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