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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 00:50



热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 15:58


Some people ask me, a broadcast public service ads can not change those bad habits in our lives then? I said no. Public service ads for those uncivilized society, the phenomenon may not be possible relief from illness, but I believe that a public service is like a lamp, the light of some, the darkness around us would be less, and I believe , everyone's heart is like a window, the window opens, it will come in bright. I believe that civilization around us, near us, very close, close enough to your fingertips. Sometimes we just civilization from a distance of 10 cm; sometimes, perhaps only tens of centimeters in width; also sometimes may be just the thickness of a sheet of paper; I believe, in fact, civilization in our hearts, we will live inadvertently revealed in the. Sometimes, more than a gesture, for others it is more of a sympathetic; other times, a little more patience, it is a love for others; sometimes a little bit more to share, for others it is more of a warm . I believe that each of us a small step, it will make the community a great step forward. I found that civilization is a force, like the Olympic torch relay, as in the hands of every person transmission can also pool all enthusiasm. I believe you, I believe the screen in front of you, more to find the enthusiasm to release their own civilization. Civilization in China, hope the Olympics! Beijing Olympics, stressing civilization, establish a new trend!


热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 16:02

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