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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 22:49



热心网友 时间:2024-11-08 13:32


  Packaging design is an important component of modern art, as well as an important tool of visual communication. On the surface, it is a tool used to protect products, but in fact, it is a transmission of information, and is an advocate for quality products, and also a carrier of culture. Whether in theory or in practice, should the packaging design as a cultural form to treat, allowing us to accurately analyze a comprehensive summary, which will be better and more innovative, more beautiful, more practical packaging design demonstrate to consumers.
  The purpose of this paper is from the perspective of differences comparing between Chinese and Western analysis of the different packaging design. Culture is the history of mankind in society created by the practice of the material and spiritual wealth combined. Have a social form of each is suited to its culture, a culture of each material with the development of production. Social continuity of the development of material production makes the decision of the development of cultural continuity and historical inheritance. The development of packaging design is built on the basis of culture, packaging design a multi-cultural information transfer. Culture has impact on the direction of development of packaging design.
  Differences between Chinese and Western cultures will affect the business of packaging design choice. In different cultures, communication and information about the response of the different ways affect the availability of the media. Comparison of Chinese values, such as proof of an authoritative, all enterprises engaged in packaging design before globalization can not but consider the different kinds of products in different countries and regions in packaged form.

  Keywords: cultural values; differences between the East and the West; packaging design


热心网友 时间:2024-11-08 13:32

Pack the design is a modern art of importance constitute the part, is a kind of important means that the sense of vision inform.Superficial it is a tool that uses to protect the product, actually it the one who is a kind of information to deliver, the one who is a kind of publicity of product quality, is also carry of a kind of culture body.Regardless and theoretically, is still in the fulfillment, should be a kind of cultural appearance to the packing design to treat, thus make us accurate to go to the analytical summary completely, then design the better, more novel, more beautiful and more practical packing to emerge to the consumer.
This text aim is in from the dissimilarity of the angle analysis packing design of the west cultural difference.The culture is the total of the material wealth and the spirit wealth that the mankind create in social history practice.Each social appearanceses contain culture that adapts mutually with it, each culture develops with the development that the social material produce.The social material produces the consecution of the development, the development that decides the culture also has the consecution and histories to inherit sex.The development that packs the design is an establishment at the cultural foundation on of, pack the design from deliver the cultural information in many ways.The culture affects the development direction of pack the design.
Medium west cultural difference will affect the business enterprise to the choice of the packing design.In different culture, the people are different from reaction method of information of to communication and will affect the medium and can use sex.Relatively think greatly of the certificate of the authorities such as the Chinese, these are all and have to make the business enterprise consider the product of various different form before be engaged in the globalization packing design at different nation and the packing form of the region.
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