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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 22:49



热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 08:10


Failure is a common thing, each of us will face failure. But people have different attitudes for failure, some people face failure, will be frustrated, will not continue, so that did not complete his dream; some people will not be defeated by the defeat, insist on his dream, in the effort Will be successful later. In my opinion, I think the failure is not important, it is important that we can not overcome it, can not adhere to our dreams. We face the failure, to be brave, to overcome it to complete the dream!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 08:10

Failure is what we often experience . Everyone can face failure, but people have different attitudes towards failure . Some will be upset facing failure and give up so that they can't realize their dreams . Others will never be defeated by failure . They stick to their dreams until they achieve success. In my view , it is not important for us to fail . What is more important is whether we can overcome it or keep our dreams . We should have courage to face it and make our dreams come true .

热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 08:11

Failure is often the case, every one of us will face failure. People for failure, however, have different attitude, some people face failure, will be depressed, no longer continue to, so didn't finish his dream; Some people won't be knocked down by the failure and stick to his dream, after efforts to be a success. In my opinion, I think failure is not important, important is whether we can overcome it, I can stick to our dream. We face failure, be brave to overcome it to complete the dream!!!!!
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