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热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 06:14

Design of the digital Perpetual Calendar based on
real-time clock chip
Abstract:This Electronic calendar uses the AT89S52 microcontroller as the core for the control. Time Circuit which is constituted by Dallas's DS1302 real-time clock chip achieved a time and date display, it increased functionality for the temperature display and the whole point timekeeping. This paper discusses the hardware circuit of the system, principle in detail,and gives the flow chart of the software design and the major source code. keywords:microcontroller; real-time clock; Temperature measurement
1 Introduction
E-calendar-bedroom at home,schools,stations and more and more extensive use of plaza for people's lives,study,work great convenience. Electronics calendar for the past need to re-adjust after power-off time and date,and time is a big error. Designed the system using real-time clock chip (DS1302) as a timer parts,the chip comes with an internal crystal oscillator,so that effectively guarantee the accuracy of the time and hang own internal battery power makes the situation will continue to update the time information . This design uses AT89S52 as the main controller,in order to improve the practicality of the circuit add temperature measurement circuit,timekeeping and alarm functions.
2 System hardware design
Schematic circuit shown in Figure 2:

System architecture diagram
2.1 Power Supply Circuit
In order to reduce circuit costs,the system power supply circuit by the transformer transformer,three-terminal integrated regulator (L7805> circuit 5V, has a simple,reliable, inexpensive and so on.
2.2 Host Controller
Host controller using ATMEL's latest MCU Products AT89S52. Apart from the single-chip microcomputer has a MCS-51 series single-chip all the benefits of things,also has 8KB of internal in-system programmable FLASH memory,free and low-power brown-out mode, greatly reducing the power circuit . In addition,also has a watchdog circuit,a reliable job for the circuit provides greater assurance.
2.3 digital tube display circuit
Show circuit with a high brightness,long life,low cost features such as the LED digital tube. Throughout the show circuit by the digital control and display LED drive circuit and decoding circuit. Because of the system to display the contents of more,a total of 16 digital tube, respectively,with eight shows year,month,day,four show time,show that 22 weeks,2 show the temperature. Controller in order to save resources,between the controller and displays add a decoding circuit 16 so that would have required the line of control into the circuit only 4 control lines,a great save system resources. The decoder by the decoder constitute both 3-8.
2.4 Real-time clock chip
This design uses the United States Dallas company DS1302, the chip can automatically generate century,year,month,day,hour,minute,second,such as time information. Century the use of internal registers with the software will be able to resolve the 'Millennium', the problem. The chip has its own internal battery-keng,external brown-out,the internal time information also be able to maintain for 10 years. Time for a single day record of 12 hours and there is a 24-hour mode. Time Table
Ways that also has two kinds of binary numbers,and the other with BCD code express. The chip with 128 bytes of internal RAM,one of 11 bytes used to store time information,4 bytes of memory chips used to control information,known as the control register,113-byte general-purpose RAM for users to store temporary information. In addition,users can also program the chip to control a variety of square-wave output,and its internal three-way through the software interrupt shielding.
2.5 Buttons and temperature measurements and circuit
The system in order to make the circuit more easy,button circuit design only three keys, which are 'set','+','-', three keys to adjust the calendar and clock. The system in order to improve the practicality of the circuit,an increase of a temperature display. The system temperature measurement circuit using Dallas's DS18B20. The device because of its low price,easy circuits,measurement precision,etc..
2.6 audio signal generator and driver circuit
The circuit's function is to receive control circuit to send to the entire point of time and timing signal,according to system settings produce different frequencies of audio signals,amplification by the drive circuit to drive speakers to voice their opinions in order to realize the whole point timekeeping and alarm functions.


2. 1电源电路
2. 2主控制器
2. 3数码管显示电路
2. 4实时钟芯片
本设计采用美国Dallas公司的DS12C887A,该芯片能够自动产生世纪、年、月、日、时、分、秒等时间信息。利用内部的世纪寄存器,配合软件就能解决’千年’,的问题。该芯片内部自带有铿电池,外部掉电时,其内部的时间信息还能够保持10年之久。对于一天内的时间记录有 12小时制和24小时制两种模式。时间的表示方法也有两种,一种用二进制数表示,另一种用BCD码表示。该芯片内部带有128字节的RAM,其中11字节用来存储时间信息,4字节用来存储芯片的控制信息,称为控制寄存器,113字节通用RAM可供用户存储临时信息。此外,用户还可以对芯片进行编程控制输出各种方波,并可对其内部的三路中断通过软件进行屏蔽。
2. 5按键与温度测且电路
2. 6音频信号产生及驱动电路

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