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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-05 10:36



热心网友 时间:2024-12-08 03:28

Being content with one's current situation is often described as "soaring" in English. This mindset involves refusing to progress or evolve, holding onto established ideas stubbornly. Here are a few examples:

    One's intellectual growth stagnates when they remain stagnant, showing little interest in new ideas.
    To be truly expressive, one must move beyond self-imposed boundaries and embrace change.
    Efficient completion of tasks swiftly does not permit complacency.
    Love and wisdom complement each other, with love as a catalyst for personal growth, preventing rigidity and dogmatism.
    God sometimes uses adversity to stimulate those who become too focused on themselves, reminding them of their responsibilities.
    In China's past, a six-century period of stagnant per capita income was a result of neglecting trade and commerce.
    To maintain progress as a nation, it's crucial not to become complacent in times of change.
    Conservatism, while valuing tradition, should not equate to stagnation or regression. It's about preserving what's valuable.
    In medieval Europe, the rigid grip of the Catholic Church hindered technological advancement and societal development.
    It's essential to stay connected and not discard valuable practices simply because they are familiar.



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