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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-23 20:19



热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 20:51

these immigrants must confront many problems in a strange country. they had to abandon many traditional european customs. they must develop a cooperative and democratic lifestyle for making a living. this lifestyle is the foundation of american regime and pragmatism.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 20:51

All kinds problems in these emigrantses cotton brigade a not well acquainted with and new country, must abandon European many traditional customs and habitses.For begging to exist they must develop a kind of cooperating with the democracy life style, this kind of life style is a political system in the United States with the philosophic foundation in pragmatism

You said that you are once hurt so you are afraid 不需要害怕 因为我不是他 But do not be afraid because I'm not him.


My name is Li Minghui, from Yu Zhongguo, male .1983 years birth. From 2003 to 2007, went study in the Southern China University life sciences and the technical institute, specialized was the biological technology, after the graduation, after obtaining Neo-Confucianism bachelor's degree...


Refueling !是给仓木麻衣的吧,10月28日才是麻衣的生日,是麻衣的粉丝吧,我也是。^-^


And you should know that the goods are very heavy, if everybody make such a request, move around very easily damaged!


我是学商务英语的,你这话的翻译是:I believe in love,yearning love,but I'm more afraid of being hurt.(希望对你有所帮助,祝你生活愉快)


The more grown up the more lonely.越长大越孤单。 I do not know why.我不知道为什么。 I also do not why I choose to learn English.我还没有我为什么选择学习英语。 That must be joking.这必须是开玩笑。 Maybe I have no chose.也许我没有选择。 Life is the answer.生命是解决问题...

英语高手来帮我翻译成英语呀 谢谢!!!

Travel direction to Dalian aboard the first vessel bound for the Incheon International Ferry Terminal. Here are two precise methods to reach the First International Terminal:1. From Seoul Incheon, proceed to the east of the Incheon subway station and take a taxi, which should cost ...


person for our cooking, we all ate with relish,and satisfied. after finishing a meal, the grandmother took us to visit the surrounding scenery. We visited many famous places, and took a lot of photos ,also bought some gifts. it was really a happy journey!谢谢采纳 亲自翻译 ...


I know that once I did vow to take care of you, protect you, and be with you for my entire life. However, I am running into some problems. Now, perhaps it is best to leave you...I don't expect anyone to understand...or to seek forgiveness. But I really hope that ...


A dark sky slowly in the rain.层层的乌云遮住了升起的太阳。Layers of dark clouds covered the sun rises.不一会儿,远近的景物都被迷蒙的雨雾笼罩了。Not and in a short while, distances scenery are the misty rain fog shrouded.早饭过后,雨虽然没有停,却也没有再下大,仍然淅淅沥沥地下...

盐城24类人群是什么人 卫生球的化学形态 钓野鱼的,打窝配方,,抄袭别人的不要来,老钓鱼手,知道的来 跪求钓鲫鱼中药打窝配方。。。效果好 自己用过。 求钓鲫鱼中药打窝配方。。。效果好点的。。。急。。。急。。。急... 在上海小河里钩鲫鱼和鲤鱼用什料 王者荣耀三穿流公孙离怎么玩 半肉公孙离出装推荐 美乐乐家具真的很差吗 公孙离出装 公孙离出装推荐 ...架断了,用502的话,太脆了,我诚恳地向诸位请教怎样把它粘上去... 镜子对着门风水好不好 米酒发酵中途打开了还能继续吗视频 醪糟中途可以打开看了会怎样 26种常见玫瑰花品种26种常见玫瑰花品种有哪些 电脑任务栏的360新闻资讯怎么取消 win10任务栏的资讯和兴趣怎样删除掉? 小米 米兔手表 4C 拆解:再现纯国产儿童手表,紫光展锐蓄势待发 怎么能查看电脑的操作记录 在Windows系统中,卸载一个应用程序可以采用()进行卸载。 丁丽红个人简历 电脑重装系统后 Adobe会自动安装吗 教资面试过后要干什么 邮政平邮资费 情人节送什么礼物给情人最有意义对你更加分。 空调面积与匹数对照表是什么? 森林的作用杨向红纪树林写了什么 粗粮粉可以用来做蛋糕吗 ...皮肤看起来暗淡,怎么能让皮肤变的白点吗?冬天的时候皮肤一受冷发红... 条子选拔是什么意思? 我高三,高考报名外语语种,这里选了哪一项就是高考考哪门外语对吧?分数... 脾胃虚弱怎么调理好得最快 脾胃虚怎样调理 牙结石牙周炎能整牙吗 冰箱铜管漏气有什么表现?? 汽车空调压缩机会不会漏气,检查了两个多小时,管子没有问题,一充气检查... 超市的收银软件能做药店的用吗 红烧羊排的正宗的做法 请列举几条关于读书的对联 凉辰是什么意思 大家知道郁凉卿这个名字是什么意思吗。? 交通事故评残费用该谁出? 考研填写个人信息可以改吗 第一时间上手B站投放工具「必火」,干货都在这里 怎么在word中打字大点? 全屏字体怎么统一放大? 上海到舟山物流转线多少钱 麻烦大师测八字:男 1982年8月15日 上午8点左右出生(阴历6月26日),另 ... 女81年属鸡阴历3月22日1点50分生,男82年属狗阴历8月15日20点50分生... 属狗的,阳历8月15号生日是什么星座? 想做货架成都哪里有批发
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