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...gonna be alright(兰寇香水广告曲)唱的歌词是什么?谢谢啦!!!_百度...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-16 11:05



热心网友 时间:2024-07-16 12:15

Everything's gonna be alright
Who ever thought the sun will come crashing down
My life in flames
My tears complete the pain
We fear the end, the dark as deep as river bed
My book of life incomplete without you here
Alone I sit and reminisce
Sometimes I miss your touch
Your kiss, your smile
And meanwhile you know I never cry
'Cause inside you know our love will never ever die
Everything's gonna be alright (yeah)
Everything's gonna be OK (no doubt)
Everything's gonna be alright
Together we can take this one day at a time
Can you take my breath away (yeah)
Can you give him life today? (no doubt)
'Cause everything's gonna be OK
I'll be your strength
I'll be here when you wake up
Take your time
And I'll be here when you wake up (ha ha)
I never thought my heart will miss a single beat
Caress your hand as I watch you while you sleep
So smooth
I weep as I search within
To find a cure to bring you back again
And the sun will rise
Open up your eyes
Suprised just a blink
Of an eye
I try, I try to be positive
You're a fighter so fight
Wake up and live
Everything's gonna be alright
(I'll wait a lifetime)
I'd give my life to only see you breathe again
Hand in hand as we walk on the white sands
To hear your voice
Rejoice as you rise and say
This is the day that I wake pray OK
Today's silence as time just moves on
You can hear it though
But I'm playing my favorite songs
I miss you much
I wish you'd come back to me
You see I waited lifetime
'Cause you're my destiny
Everything's gonna be alright (no doubt)
Everything's gonna be alright


热心网友 时间:2024-07-16 12:14

sweetbox - everything's gonna be alright sweetbox everything's gonna be alright
everything's gonna be alright
who ever thought the sun will come crashing down
my life in flames
my tears complete the pain
we fear the end, the dark as deep as river bed
my book of life incomplete without you here
alone i sit and reminisce
sometimes i miss your touch
your kiss, your smile
and meanwhile you know i never cry
'cause inside you know our love will never ever die
everything's gonna be alright (yeah)
everything's gonna be ok (no doubt)
everything's gonna be alright
together we can take this one day at a time
can you take my breath away (yeah)
can you give him life today?(no doubt)
'cause everything's gonna be ok
i'll be your strength
i'll be here when you wake up
take your time
and i'

热心网友 时间:2024-07-16 12:11

everything's gonna be alright
who ever thought the sun will come crashing down
my life in flames
my tears complete the pain
we fear the end, the dark as deep as river bed
my book of life incomplete without you here
alone i sit and reminisce
sometimes i miss your touch
your kiss, your smile
and meanwhile you know i never cry
'cause inside you know our love will never ever die
everything's gonna be alright (yeah)
everything's gonna be ok (no doubt)
everything's gonna be alright
together we can take this one day at a time
can you take my breath away (yeah)
can you give him life today? (no doubt)
'cause everything's gonna be ok
i'll be your strength
i'll be here when you wake up
take your time
and i'll be here when you wake up (ha ha)
i never thought my heart will miss a single beat
caress your hand as i watch you while you sleep
so smooth
i weep as i search within
to find a cure to bring you back again
and the sun will rise
open up your eyes
suprised just a blink
of an eye
i try, i try to be positive
you're a fighter so fight
wake up and live
(repeat chorus)
everything's gonna be alright
(i'll wait a lifetime)
i'd give my life to only see you breathe again
hand in hand as we walk on the white sands
to hear your voice
rejoice as you rise and say
this is the day that i wake pray ok
today's silence as time just moves on
you can hear it though
but i'm playing my favorite songs
i miss you much
i wish you'd come back to me
you see i waited lifetime
'cause you're my destiny
(repeat chorus)
everything's gonna be alright (no doubt)
everything's gonna be alright
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