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英语翻译The Importance of AirThe sounds we hear on the earth are...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-27 21:31



热心网友 时间:2024-07-27 22:08

The Importance of Air
The sounds we hear on the earth are carried by the air.Since
there is no air on the moon,people who get on the moon have to
talk to each other by radio.Dust in the earth' s air,though very lit-
tle,can scatters the sunlight.This makes the earth' s daytime sky
blue and the shadows not pletely dark.But on the moon,the
sky is always black.You would be able to see stars even in the day-
time,Sunny places on the moon are very,very bright,but the shad-
ows are almost black.The moon has no air to absorb the sun' s
heat,so it can get hot enough to boil water in places where the sun
is shining on.
英语翻译The Importance of AirThe sounds we hear on the earth are...

翻完了,费了不少时间啊.,7,英语翻译 The Importance of Air The sounds we hear on the earth are carried by the air.Since there is no air on the moon,people who get on the moon have to talk to each other by radio.Dust in the earth' s air,though very lit- tle,can scatt...


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