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Don't Give Up (Thiis Goes Out...)歌词中文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 16:58



热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 02:50

when you wanna do something that’s new.当你想尝试新鲜的事物时
and it seems really, really hard to do.事情看起来很复杂
you feel like quiting, you feel you’re through.你想退出,你认为不能完成
well i have some advice for you, don’t give up.我给你个建议,不要放弃

keep on trying, ya’ll gonna make it (ah yeah, yeah) don’t give up.一直努力,你最终会成功,别放弃
don’t ever quit, try and try and you can do it, don’t give up (yeah)永不言退,努力努力,你会成功,别放弃

if you want to catch a ball, but you’re having no luck at all.如果你想去抓住球,但是你运气很糟糕
the ball hits your head, it hits your nose.球打到了你的头,碰到了你的鼻子
it hits your belly, your chin and toes.碰到了你的肚子,你的下巴和脚趾
well try and try and try again, keep on trying and soon in end.继续努力,永不言弃,很快这就会结束
you’ll put your hands out in the air, you’ll catch that ball, yes this i swear你会把手伸向空中,你会抓住球。我发誓

don’t give up, keep on going.永不言弃,继续前进
you won a fought so keep on rolling你已经赢了一场比赛所以继续
don’t give up, don’t ever stop,别放弃,别停下来
try and try and you’ll come on out on top, don’t give up.不停的努力,你会达到顶峰,永不言弃

you got yourself new rollerskates.你买了了新的旱冰鞋
you put them on and you feel great,你穿上鞋子感觉很好
stand up, but then you fall, don’t think you can skate at all.站起来,你摔倒了,你认为自己不可能学会滑旱冰
you get back up and then you trip你得到了鼓励然后你踏上了学习的道路
you skip and tip and slip and flip滑啊滑啊
well try and try and try some more, and soon you’re skating across the floor.我们一直努力,很快你已经能在地板上自由的滑行了

don’t give up, keep on moving.永不言弃,保持努力
you’re gonna get there just keep on grooving你最终会成功只要乐在其中
don’t give up, don’t pack it in,别放弃,别停下
try and try and you will win, don’t give up.努力努力,你会获得胜利,永不言弃
no no no, don’t give up (repeat x2)永不言弃
no no, don’t give up.永不言弃
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