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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 11:31



热心网友 时间:2024-08-07 19:41

As is universally recognized, good health is of paramount importance to all of us. Consequently, I aspire to become a doctor in the future to contribute to the well-being of others. There are several compelling reasons that drive me towards this career path. Firstly, diseases are an inevitable part of our lives, and they can inflict significant suffering upon individuals. Secondly, the prevalence of various viruses globally poses a substantial threat, leading to numerous diseases.
Recently, the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has tragically resulted in the loss of many lives. Despite the increasing challenges, our medical professionals have tenaciously confronted the病毒. In my eyes, doctors are not only valiant fighters but also heroes in the truest sense. Driven by this inspiration, I am determined to pursue a medical career and join the ranks of these noble professionals to safeguard our nation's health.
When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. I believe this to be a crucial and honorable profession since doctors have the power to heal the sick. I am drawn to the idea of helping others and alleviating their pain. To achieve this, I am committed to studying diligently and mastering a vast array of medical knowledge. Moreover, I will strive to develop patience and kindness, essential qualities for treating patients with compassion. I fervently hope to evolve into a skilled and compassionate doctor in the future.
My life's ambition is to become a doctor. The medical profession is esteemed and comes with the solemn responsibility of healing the sick. It is intrinsically linked to human life, demanding dedication and a zero-tolerance approach to negligence. Doctors understand that even a minor oversight can have devastating consequences. Whenever I hear about doctors miraculously saving a dying patient, I am filled with admiration and resolve: I, too, wish to become a doctor one day.
Should my dream be realized, I intend to utilize my limited strength to save as many lives as possible. I will never resort to unethical practices such as accepting bribes or showing favoritism based on a patient's socioeconomic status. In my view, there is no place for discrimination between the rich and the poor in healthcare—only varying degrees of illness severity.
Acknowledging my current academic standing and knowledge, the path to becoming a doctor may seem insurmountable. Nevertheless, I am prepared to work tirelessly towards my dreams and aspirations. I understand that a medical career requires not only extensive knowledge but also excellent character. Therefore, I am determined to study diligently now, laying a solid foundation for my future growth into a respected and ethical doctor.
英语作文: I want to be a doctor

I admire them very much and secretly make up my mind: I also want to become a doctor when I grow up.If I become a doctor, I want to use my meager strength to save more people. I will never "open the back door" or "accept red envelopes". I will not change my attitu...


As is universally recognized, good health is of paramount importance to all of us. Consequently, I aspire to become a doctor in the future to contribute to the well-being of others. There are several compelling reasons that drive me towards this career path. Firstly, diseases are ...

l want to be……英语作文50字简单点

be a doctor.Doctor is a job that is respected by others.To be a doctor can help lots of people relief from suffering and pain.I want to be a useful people who can help help others and contribute the society.I think doctor is the greatest job in my mind.我想做一名医师,他...

Iwanttobeadoctor 作文

I want to be a doctor I hope I can become a doctor in the future. I was born in a doctor’s family. My parents are both doctors. They are always working for patient’s health and have no time to look after me. They saved many people’s lives during their work time. ...


be a doctor when i grow up.because doctors can help people with their health.nowadays,many diseases often stike human beings.as a doctor,i can help to save people's life so that the patients will not suffer from diseases and their family will not feel sad.if i become a do...


I hope I can become a doctor in the future.I was born in a doctor's family.My parents are both doctors.They are always busy working for patients' health and have no time to look after me.They saved many people's lives during their work.The doctor is called "Angles in ...

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to be是想成为...可以是职业,也可以是一切天马行空的事物 例如i want to be a doctor.我想当一名医生.可是要注意这里的be跟在不定式to后面,所以be不当是这句的动词,是不变的.你可以 i wanted to be a bird,但不能i want to is a bird.因为在这句want是动词,be不是.want to be 还可以...

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I want to be a doctor.否定句是加入助动词 don't I don't want to be a doctor.一般疑问句是 Do you want to be a doctor?肯定回答 Yes, I do.否定回答 No, I don't.

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