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the idea of. helping. people. comes. naturally.

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 03:42



热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 01:28


热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 01:28

对大部分人来说 要帮助别人的想法通常会自然地产生

1帮助别人是人们的本能 2如果我们看到一个盲人在下车,我们应该保护他不跌倒。3家庭成员都是互帮互助的,特别是对小孩和老人而言


1、介词短语作定语 The idea of helping people comes naturally... (中文:帮助别人的想法……)[介词短语作定语,修饰idea]Think of the people most in need of help... (中文:非常需要帮助的人们……)[介词短语作定语,修饰people]Much of the work of community service is concerned wi...

现在完成时的所有知识,特别是短暂性动词与延续性动词,since 能不...

It was one of the most __1__ and tiring games I've ever had. When Ed first phoned and __2__ we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an __3__ victory. After all, Ed's idea of __4__ has always been nothing more __5__ than lifting a fork to his mouth. __6__ I can...


When China, my motherland, is mentioned anywhere in the world, people will naturally awaken association with the exquisite and beautiful chinaware made in China, the country that enjoys a history of porcelain production one thousand years earlier than other countries and a reputation for her elevate...

Could you give me five points about Romeo and Juliet?

1.The Forcefulness of Love Romeo and Juliet is the most famous love story in the English literary tradition. Love is naturally the play’s dominant and most important theme. The play focuses on romantic love, specifically the intense passion that springs up at first sight between Romeo and Jul...


Even though the work load is harder than school here, I feel that the fact that you have a choice when you take your lunch break (1 hr between 12am and 2pm) is a good idea and would be good if it was incorporated into the school day.I have met a lot of new people ...


Hermione: [on the verge of tears] He called me a Mudblood. Hagrid: [gasps] He did not. Harry: What's a Mudblood? Hermione: It means "dirty blood". Mudblood's a really foul name for someone with non magic parents. Someone like me. Hagrid: You see Harry, there are some people,...


People's views on happiness vary a lot from person to person.Some hold that to give can bring more happiness and others believe that to receive makes them happier.As far as I am concerned,to give indeed brings us more happiness than to receive.First of all,the value of life ...


Scott Ertl came up with the idea while he was exercising and reading at the gym. Believing it would be a fun way to convince students to become more active, he placed one bike in the corner of his classroom and encouraged them to use it during independent reading sessions.It ...


Ginny: [helping a speechless and queasy looking Ron into the common room] It's alright now, don't worry. Harry: What happened? Ginny: He just asked Fleur Delacour to the ball. Ron Weasley: She was just walking past, you know how I love it when they walk, and it just sort of ...

请问inventivecreative在用法上的区别?谢谢 最保值的十款车排名 梦幻西游 PS 现在50级了,3敏2体.一天最多能赚500W MHB 吗? 梦幻西游一队50级的号~~每天在线3小时~~如何赚100W游戏MHB~~ ...大型限时活动箱庭疗法开启-手游资讯-安族网 ...数的和,一个数是七的倍数,又另一个有因数十一,他们分别是多少和多... ...成两个自然数的和一个是7的倍数,一个是11的倍数,如果求两个数一个... 想买个家用的三厢的纠结长安悦翔跟V3菱悦预算是5-7万求高手指点买哪款... ...个自然数的和,一个是七的倍数一个是十一的倍数,这两个自然数是... 悦翔,赛欧,C30,V3菱悦,哪一款省油质量好 难多音字。 太湖蓝藻大爆发事件属于什么环境问题 儿童防雾霾口罩哪个好 儿童防雾霾口罩哪个牌子好 儿童口罩哪个牌子好?推荐萌宠版儿童口罩品牌? 佛教问题:如果一个人去了极乐世界犯罪,会怎么样? 本市纳税情况是什么意思? 纳税情形是什么意思? 单位的纳税情况是什么意思 在工地干活在井下盗窃电览上面司机不知道算不算犯罪? 贪污1400元会受什么刑法? 超市盗窃连续3起被拘留怎么处罚? 丽江现在天气适合穿什么衣服 英语翻译——高分悬赏、在线翻译者免进 我的平板打不开,一直处于正在开机状态,连接电脑显示未知设备,型号应该... 平板电脑出现很抱歉""已停止运行是什么原因 怎样登录微信老版本呢? 一辆汽车在蜿蜒的山路上疾驰,如一条游龙在半山腰盘旋。改病句!不会... 潍坊旭龙建筑劳务有限公司怎么样? 如何在滴滴出行上申请成为网约车司机? the idea of __ ,选什么? lot的过去式和过去分词 茂名被逼婚少女学费成问题,为何如今仍会有“重男轻女”的现象?_百度知 ... 小龙虾不炸直接炒可以吗 小龙虾不炸能直接炒吗 虚拟仪器教学实验简明教程--基于LabVIEW的ELVIS目录 烧干锅后能立刻加水吗? LabVIEWV86中文破解版LabVIEWV86中文破解版功能简介 LabVIEW8.2.1虚拟仪器实例指导教程目录 电脑静音怎么调回来 今年我2020年28岁属什么的? (苹果x找回锁屏密码的两种方法)苹果怎么刷机清除手机密码 iphonex锁屏密码忘记了怎么解开? 治安管理处罚法适用对象是怎么规定的 殴打他人治安案件处理标准是怎么规定的 打架斗殴事件治安案件怎么处罚 金龙鱼尾巴断掉完了还能长好吗 金龙鱼换缸的时候尾巴跟肚子中间撕了一个口还能恢复么?? 蓝底金龙鱼尾巴断了还能再长出来吗 爱奇艺的会员可以下载那只有会员可以看的电影吗?我准备办一个月的? 爱奇艺下载后不是会员还能看吗
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