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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-19 05:31



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 13:10

1. Tuition cheap : in all institutions of higher learning within the community colleges before, remains low tuition. Usually, students only pay tuition and school expenses of the 1/3 or 1/3 less than the cost. 2/3% from the rest of the state government or local government funding, or have come from the state and local governments. Off bad students can not afford school fees can enjoy a variety of grants, subsidies or assistance. These financial help from the federal government, state government or private sponsors. Sponsors will normally be from the government tax benefits. In addition, students can often live at home, thus reducing the accommodation expenses. Finally, most community college students are part of the work done to help pay their education costs. 2. In the face of the mass : community colleges open to the public, no entrance requirements. High school graduates or the equivalent in any one person can be enrolled. For example, our community college is located about 80% of high school graduates enter some type of higher education. This proportion was continuing to grow. Build awareness of this growth phenomenon businesses need today more than 12 years of education, and an increasing number of professional staff needed. 3. Flexibility : the community college classes are daytime, evening; Regular day, weekends. In the 44-46 class, but also have branches in schools, or by the local school or library classes. Students can choose one class or a few classes; They can read one semester or one year time. They can based on their individual needs, ready at any time to read or stopped reading, and there is no need for concern punished. Generally speaking, our school system in two years End. But many would like to finish all students spend more than two years, many spent five years. 4. Flexible, according to the needs : at the state general provisions set by the government within the community college can teach them all kinds of useful curricula and the school district courses. For example, urban community colleges will not teach classes related to agriculture or veterinary; And the community colleges in the rural industrial manufacturing or real estate would not teach the class.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 13:03

1. Tuition cheap : in all institutions of higher learning within the community colleges before, remains low tuition. Usually, students only pay tuition and school expenses of the 1/3 or 1/3 less than the cost. 2/3% from the rest of the state government or local government funding, or have come from the state and local governments. Off bad students can not afford school fees can enjoy a variety of grants, subsidies or assistance. These financial help from the federal government, state government or private sponsors. Sponsors will normally be from the government tax benefits. In addition, students can often live at home, thus reducing the accommodation expenses. Finally, most community college students are part of the work done to help pay their education costs.

2. In the face of the mass : community colleges open to the public, no entrance requirements. High school graduates or the equivalent in any one person can be enrolled. For example, our community college is located about 80% of high school graduates enter some type of higher education. This proportion was continuing to grow. Build awareness of this growth phenomenon businesses need today more than 12 years of education, and an increasing number of professional staff needed.

3. Flexibility : the community college classes are daytime, evening; Regular day, weekends. In the 44-46 class, but also have branches in schools, or by the local school or library classes. Students can choose one class or a few classes; They can read one semester or one year time. They can based on their individual needs, ready at any time to read or stopped reading, and there is no need for concern punished. Generally speaking, our school system in two years End. But many would like to finish all students spend more than two years, many spent five years.

4. Flexible, according to the needs : at the state general provisions set by the government within the community college can teach them all kinds of useful curricula and the school district courses. For example, urban community colleges will not teach classes related to agriculture or veterinary; And the community colleges in the rural industrial manufacturing or real estate would not teach the class.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 13:10

1. Tuition cheap : in all institutions of higher learning within the community colleges before, remains low tuition. Usually, students only pay tuition and school expenses of the 1/3 or 1/3 less than the cost. 2/3% from the rest of the state government or local government funding, or have come from the state and local governments. Off bad students can not afford school fees can enjoy a variety of grants, subsidies or assistance. These financial help from the federal government, state government or private sponsors. Sponsors will normally be from the government tax benefits. In addition, students can often live at home, thus reducing the accommodation expenses. Finally, most community college students are part of the work done to help pay their education costs. 2. In the face of the mass : community colleges open to the public, no entrance requirements. High school graduates or the equivalent in any one person can be enrolled. For example, our community college is located about 80% of high school graduates enter some type of higher education. This proportion was continuing to grow. Build awareness of this growth phenomenon businesses need today more than 12 years of education, and an increasing number of professional staff needed. 3. Flexibility : the community college classes are daytime, evening; Regular day, weekends. In the 44-46 class, but also have branches in schools, or by the local school or library classes. Students can choose one class or a few classes; They can read one semester or one year time. They can based on their individual needs, ready at any time to read or stopped reading, and there is no need for concern punished. Generally speaking, our school system in two years End. But many would like to finish all students spend more than two years, many spent five years. 4. Flexible, according to the needs : at the state general provisions set by the government within the community college can teach them all kinds of useful curricula and the school district courses. For example, urban community colleges will not teach classes related to agriculture or veterinary; And the community colleges in the rural industrial manufacturing or real estate would not teach the class.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 13:02

1. Tuition cheap : in all institutions of higher learning within the community colleges before, remains low tuition. Usually, students only pay tuition and school expenses of the 1/3 or 1/3 less than the cost. 2/3% from the rest of the state government or local government funding, or have come from the state and local governments. Off bad students can not afford school fees can enjoy a variety of grants, subsidies or assistance. These financial help from the federal government, state government or private sponsors. Sponsors will normally be from the government tax benefits. In addition, students can often live at home, thus reducing the accommodation expenses. Finally, most community college students are part of the work done to help pay their education costs.

2. In the face of the mass : community colleges open to the public, no entrance requirements. High school graduates or the equivalent in any one person can be enrolled. For example, our community college is located about 80% of high school graduates enter some type of higher education. This proportion was continuing to grow. Build awareness of this growth phenomenon businesses need today more than 12 years of education, and an increasing number of professional staff needed.

3. Flexibility : the community college classes are daytime, evening; Regular day, weekends. In the 44-46 class, but also have branches in schools, or by the local school or library classes. Students can choose one class or a few classes; They can read one semester or one year time. They can based on their individual needs, ready at any time to read or stopped reading, and there is no need for concern punished. Generally speaking, our school system in two years End. But many would like to finish all students spend more than two years, many spent five years.

4. Flexible, according to the needs : at the state general provisions set by the government within the community college can teach them all kinds of useful curricula and the school district courses. For example, urban community colleges will not teach classes related to agriculture or veterinary; And the community colleges in the rural industrial manufacturing or real estate would not teach the class.
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