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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 13:48



热心网友 时间:2024-09-10 18:57

Optimus Prime: From here, the fight will be your own... -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Optimus Prime: Everything humans know of our planet we were told had been shared. You lied to us. -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Optimus Prime: You may lose faith in us, but never in yourselves. -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Optimus Prime: You may lose faith in us, but never in yourselves. -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Charlotte Mearing: You are not a soldier. You are a messenger. You've always been a messenger. -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Optimus Prime: In any war, there are calms between storms. There will be days when we lose faith. Days when our allies turn against us. But the day will never come, that we forsake this planet, and its people. -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Sentinel Prime: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. --Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Sentinel Prime: Optimus, all I ever wanted was the survival of our race. You must see why I had to betray you.
Optimus Prime: You didn't betray me, you betrayed yourself.
Sentinel Prime: No, Optimus! -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Optimus Prime: Your leaders will now understand: Decepticons will never leave your planet alone, and we needed them to believe we had gone. For today, in the name of freedom, we take the battle to them! -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Simmons: Don't worry, I speak their language.
[doorman opens sliding hatch]
Simmons: Do svidaniya.
Russian Bouncer: That means goodbye
[slides mini-door shut] -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Bumblebee: [to Bruce] Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid? -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Sam Witwicky: I saw your ship explode!
Leadfoot: The SHIP! We were never ON the ship! We designed the damn thing, didn't we? -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Optimus Prime: [First Lines] We were once a peaceful race of intelligent mechanical beings. But then came the war, between the Autobots that fought for freedom and the Decepticons that dreamt of tyranny. Over matched and outnumbered, our defeat was all but certain. But in the war's final days one Autobot ship escaped the battle, it was carrying a secret cargo which would have changed our planets fate. A desperate mission, our final hope. A hope that vanished. -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Sam Witwicky: We got an emergency, you gotta get Colonel Lennox out here. I'm reporting Decepticons, Deceptions are back, you gotta open that gate right now.
NEST Guard: Easy sir, this is Heath and Human services.
Sam Witwicky: Right packing M4's! What are you protecting? Colostomy bags? Bed pans? Throat lozenges? Where'd you get that hat from? Nursing school? So your nurses and foot powder protectors, fantastic! -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
(这句是我的最爱)Simmons: Tell Megatron, Lets Tango. -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Optimus Prime: What your leaders say is true. This was all my fault, I told them whom to trust. I was so wrong.
Sam Witwicky: That doesn't make it your fault, it just makes you human for a change.
Optimus Prime: Remember this, you may lose you faith in us but never in yourselves. -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Sam Witwicky: I need to know how your going to fight back. I know there's a strategy, I know your coming back with reinforcements, something. I know there's a plan. You can tell me, no other human will ever know.
Optimus Prime: There is no plan. -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Sam Witwicky: If we just do what they want, how are we ever going to live with ourselves?
Optimus Prime: You are my friend Sam, you always will be, but your leaders have spoken. From here the fight will be your own. -- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
( 老头杀铁皮前说)
Indeed, i am.
What you must realize, my autobots brothers, it is we are never going to win the war.
For the sake of our planet's survival,
a deal has been made, with Megatron.
It’s shuhua milk

热心网友 时间:2024-09-10 19:00

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