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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 06:46



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 22:57

dear mr b
Recently, right? Remember me, I was boarding in your home that summer the Chinese girl, called Emily, and I there's my friend vicky. Where we spend a good time, so that bit by bit now about your often in my mind.Today's Christmas, I remember you once said Christmas for Americans has extraordinary significance, the same as our Chinese New Year. Where to send sincere greetings, Merry Christmas! I hope you and jenifer all is well, good health and smooth work. Dog hercules how, is still the same cute! Haha, China is also very festive atmosphere here is thick, is filled with Christmas tree covered with lights, I was in China with you for Christmas! Merry Christmas, regular contact.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 22:58

Dear Mr B

Also recently? Remember me? I was that summer vacation boarding in your Chinese girls, called Emily, and I come with my good friend of Vicky. There we have a good time, so that to now about you every bit of often in my mind. Today's Christmas, remember you said Christmas for americans has a particular meaning, just like we Chinese Spring Festival. Here on sincere greetings, merry Christmas! I hope you and all is well jenifer, healthy body, the work is smooth. The puppy hercules how, is still the same cute! Ha ha, China here is also very strong festival atmosphere, full avenue are hung lights Christmas tree, I in China and you together at Christmas! Merry Christmas, often contact.
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