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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 06:46



热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 06:25

The lunar calendar in August fifteen is China's traditional festival -- the mid autumn festival. In ancient times, our ancestors have the Mid Autumn Festival custom. To the Tang Dynasty, the Mid Autumn Festival, the festival became a national customs. The night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the bright moon in the sky, people family poly moon together eating mooncakes.
In the folk, have a family reunion to celebrate, and invited his friends to call friends together to celebrate atmosphere restaurant. In some areas, pay more attention to the Mid Autumn Festival, will organize some calligraphy show, art performances and activities, attract many people, "the sound is like tide, spectators stood round like a wall". The children went through the crowd, played very happy. The festival and the moon is two kinds of different activities, and most people do not only moon festival, Festival ceremony because of trouble. The festival, the first a censer table under the moonlight, above the moon cakes and fruits for sacrifice, and some for the hand Dao medicine pestle rabbit. Of course, the table also placed incense and candle holders and so. In the flickering candlelight and thick sandalwood, family worship according to age. After the worship months after, we will share offerings.
Mid Autumn Festival is the most important food is the moon cake, sweet, salty and spicy flavor; moon cake package filling with rock sugar, red bean paste, dried food, fruits and vegetables, dairy and food etc.. Moon cakes with a variety of patterns, one of the most common pattern is "anhangong", "cinnamon" and "the goddess of the moon". The moon cake is divided into Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Su, Chao five categories. There are many types, be too numerous to enumerate. Today's moon is all kinds of, have enjoyed "affordable" moon cakes, and give the "gift" moon cakes. Whenever the Mid Autumn Festival moon cakes, a superb collection of beautiful things to eat and so. Some moon cakes is exorbitantly expensive, a box should be more than 1000 yuan.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 06:24

The lunar calendar in August fifteen is China's traditional festival -- the mid autumn festival. In ancient times, our ancestors have the Mid Autumn Festival custom. To the Tang Dynasty, the Mid Autumn Festival, the festival became a national customs. The night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the bright moon in the sky, people family poly moon together eating mooncakes.
In the folk, have a family reunion to celebrate, and invited his friends to call friends together to celebrate atmosphere restaurant. In some areas, pay more attention to the Mid Autumn Festival, will organize some calligraphy show, art performances and activities, attract many people, "the sound is like tide, spectators stood round like a wall". The children went through the crowd, played very happy. The festival and the moon is two kinds of different activities, and most people do not only moon festival, Festival ceremony because of trouble. The festival, the first a censer table under the moonlight, above the moon cakes and fruits for sacrifice, and some for the hand Dao medicine pestle rabbit. Of course, the table also placed incense and candle holders and so. In the flickering candlelight and thick sandalwood, family worship according to age. After the worship months after, we will share offerings.
Mid Autumn Festival is the most important food is the moon cake, sweet, salty and spicy flavor; moon cake package filling with rock sugar, red bean paste, dried food, fruits and vegetables, dairy and food etc.. Moon cakes with a variety of patterns, one of the most common pattern is "anhangong", "cinnamon" and "the goddess of the moon". The moon cake is divided into Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Su, Chao five categories. There are many types, be too numerous to enumerate. Today's moon is all kinds of, have enjoyed "affordable" moon cakes, and give the "gift" moon cakes. Whenever the Mid Autumn Festival moon cakes, a superb collection of beautiful things to eat and so. Some moon cakes is exorbitantly expensive, a box should be more than 1000 yuan.
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