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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-08 13:16



热心网友 时间:2024-10-08 14:25

Super Junior, a 13-member Korean pop group, was established by SM Entertainment. The members pursue diverse careers, including MCing, singing, and dancing. Their fan base, known as E.L.F., stands for "Ever Lasting Friends," reflecting their hope for the group's continued success.
Lee Teuk serves as the group's leader, known for his handsome appearance and dedication to elevating the group's status. Heechul, despite his good looks, is often mistaken for a girl, but his resilience and optimistic attitude have endeared him to fans.
Hangeng, hailing from China, is recognized for his kindness and pursuit of his music dreams, which led him to become a star in both China and Korea. Yesung is a hard worker who strives to excel in dance, despite not being at his best yet, and he desires to showcase his talents to the fans.
Kangin is known for his strength and kindness, supporting the team and fans. Shidong, despite his rotundity, is clever and skilled in dance. He has expressed his willingness to step down if it means improving the group.
Sunmin is adored for his lovable personality and rabbit teeth, earning him the nickname "rabbit." Eunhyuk is handsome and known for his comedic timing, sometimes earning the nickname "250" for his antics.
Donghae is courageous, having lost his father, but he remains undeterred in his pursuit of their dreams. Siwon is a gentlemanly actor who has contributed to notable films and works diligently.
Ryeowook initially was not part of the team but replaced another member, dedicating himself to prove his worth, and has since been recognized by fans. Kibum dreams of being a fine actor while balancing his singing career, recognizing his dual role as a member of Super Junior and an actor.
Kyuhyun is the youngest and newest member, joining the team last, yet he sings beautifully and exudes maturity.
The group's English song "My Everything" showcases their versatility, and they have performed at concerts, including in Nanjing, China, on January 17 and 18, 2009.
Below are member profiles with their respective photos:
- Lee Teuk: [Profile Photo](https://gss0.baidu.com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/baike/abpic/item/b9d8b70144dd6f181c958350.jpg)
- Heechul: [Profile Photo](https://gss0.baidu.com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/baike/abpic/item/bbe0d311c25e460eb8127b50.jpg)
- Hangeng: [Profile Photo](https://gss0.baidu.com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/baike/abpic/item/d4239b35970be60f91ef3951.jpg)
- Yesung: [Profile Photo](https://gss0.baidu.com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/baike/abpic/item/9a1151c2a5b8842be4dd3b5d.jpg)
- Kangin: [Profile Photo](https://gss0.baidu.com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/baike/abpic/item/5af4d7ea571537cdd439c95e.jpg)
- Shidong: [Profile Photo](https://gss0.baidu.com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/baike/abpic/item/b9d8b70144d46f181c95835f.jpg)
- Sungmin: [Profile Photo](https://gss0.baidu.com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/baike/abpic/item/48151723518857509358075f.jpg)
- Eunhyuk: [Profile Photo](https://gss0.baidu.com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/baike/abpic/item/a005b334015fb3a9d1a2d358.jpg)
- Donghae: [Profile Photo](https://gss0.baidu.com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/baike/abpic/item/5327ce16c1f9aa06962b4358.jpg)
- Siwon: [Profile Photo](https://gss0.baidu.com/70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/baike/abpic/item/4bd1e803b24999603812bb79.jpg)
- Ryeowook: [Profile Photo](http://t2.baidu.com/it/u=2972347234,3463796290&fm=3&gp=31.jpg)
- Kibum: [Profile Photo](http://t2.baidu.com/it/u=3776265532,2583747514&fm=3&gp=21.jpg)
- Kyuhyun: [Profile Photo](http://t2.baidu.com/it/u=193888223,2111593304&fm=3&gp=21.jpg)
关于Super Junior的问题!!一月五号前必须需要答案!!

Superjunior is a team has 13 people. It’s built by Korea SM entertainment company. This team’s members develop many different kings of job,such as MC,,singer ,dancer and so on.This team’s fans are called ’E.L.F’.It means ‘Ever Lasting Friends’.Fans hope this team...




Super Junior, a 13-member Korean pop group, was established by SM Entertainment. The members pursue diverse careers, including MCing, singing, and dancing. Their fan base, known as E.L.F., stands for "Ever Lasting Friends," reflecting their hope for the group's continued succes...

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