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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 18:23



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 19:42

the girl is the most beautiful one in my class.
the book is the thickest in all the books.
the red pen is the best one in the library.
this place is the niceset among all the places that i have ever visited.
Gao Ling is the best student in Grade 2.
She is the youngest in the class.
This picture is the most popular of the three.
Tom is the oldest student in Class 3.
The house on the hill is the biggest one.
No.3 picture is the most beautiful one.
Mike is the tallest.
Jack's mother gets up the earliest every morning.

the girl is the most beautiful one in my class.the book is the thickest in all the books.the red pen is the best one in the library.this place is the niceset among all the places that i have ever visited.Gao Ling is the best student in Grade 2.She is the youngest in...


1.Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town .乔 萨德斯拥有我们镇上最漂亮的花园。2. I am the tallest in our class. 我是咱们班里个子最高的。3.My movements are the most graceful of us three. 三个人中我的动作是最优雅的。4.Racing is the most interesting sport I'...


1.as an old saying goes,...正如一句古老的谚 语所说 2...be nothing but... ...不过就是... 3.from where i stand... 从我的立场来说 4.give oneself a chance to...给某人一个机会 去... 5.i feel sure that...我坚信... 6...is the best way to make sure that....


夏天路上的车子比冬天多。This street is four times shorter than that one.这条街道比那条短四倍。Mary is more beautiful than anyone else in her company.玛丽在公司里比其他人都漂亮。It rains less in London than in Manchester.伦敦的降雨量比曼彻斯特少。My eyes are biggest in the world...



写出10句最高级的句子 。。。急

He is the greatest person in the world.She is the strictest teacher that I've ever seen.This is the nicest food that I've ever tried.This book is the oldest in the library.This sweater is made of the finest wool.Mount. Everest is the highest mountain on earth.The easiest...


1. 没有永远的强者,也没有永远的弱者。只要努力,一切皆有可能。2. 花事已过,而我在匆匆时光里,无端地错过了花期。总以为,那些散落的芬芳,是爱的流转,是对华年最美的深铭。直到眉宇间,再也寻不见一丝青春的痕迹。才知晓,过往许多纯净的恩宠,都还给了流光。是不是每个人,走到最后,扫尽...


比较级: I am taller than my father.My father gets earlier than me.最高级: Who is the tallest in your class.Tim draws best of the the three.


1、I am the tallest in our class.2、Racing is the most interesting sport I've ever known.3、That book is most interesting.4、You are always my fondest friend.5、They are happiest on Saturdays


the most expensive, the happiest, the longest, the shortest, the best, the most important, the largest, the tallest,

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