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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-06 06:06



热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 06:08

the next compsition was about the dream come ture and then the feeling of sb for your references ,i hope it would help you
the dream come true
when i was a little child, i dream to go to the universtiy, this was aslo the hope for my parents on me, now the dream come ture, i am really excited wiht the news, i think that i will make more friends in the shool and i will go to the other place have the independet life by myself, that will let me know much more about the life, how to live well,i will enrich my knowledge,konwing much more about the other place, and so on that made me lost sleep this night
how about the universtiy?it must be clear,historical, kindful,knowledgable, all these guesses felled up wiht my brain,Aha, i am expected to the life in the new invornment
to celebrate the dream come true and go into the university, my parents had invite lots of relativers to have meal, this was really a cheerful atmosphere,the next day i clear up wiht my labbage, my prarents send me to the new shool to enroll in, we go to the school by train, it's a journey, we first sight going into our eye was the lion before the gate of the school, there are lots of trees,flowers,entertainment around the shool, it's more comfortable than sennior middle shool, i will try my best learn much more in the shool!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 06:07

英语作文?sorry 语文我可以帮忙!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 06:08

We are a group of traditional education mode in, well-behaved child, like the earth to work the farmers, doing the same, and he.
University, I just before 10 million of such children ordinary a. All day school, home of the line two point one run. Who all want to be a good boy, my child is a way of independent design according to the parents, his hands in the direction of the fight. Guide And I, and also like a bull in work the same, day after day, to cater to them, they looked female ChengFeng long-cherished wish. Until three that summer, the old class suddenly called me into the office and meaningfully said to me, the article written in very good, work hard, hope that the future can produce a writer. From then on, he didn't feel alive with a perfect ? pursuit
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