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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-06 11:24



热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 23:12

Peace and development are the theme of this era.
Each and everyone of us hopes to live a calm and stable life.
However, there are always some people like to break this peace.
Our country has plenty of land, but there are factors of uncertainty at the border area--these people are trying to divide/split up our country.
Without doubt, winged Victory is always on our side, no matter how hard they try, voctory always belongs to us.
We can only live our lives in happiness when the society has developed; and the socisty can only develop when it is stabilized.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 23:10

Peace and development ,are the themes of the time.
Everyone of us hope to live a smooth and stable life.
however,there exists some peple likes to break everything of this.
our country owns the extensive land,but it's the boder that exists many unstable factors.
they attempted to hold separatist activities.
of course,goddess of victory always on our side, no matter how hard they are, victory always.
belongs to us.
As long as society remains peaceful,it can develop.As long as social develops, we can live a happy life.
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