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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-06 22:57



热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 12:07

Joshua Radin,
I'd rather be with you

Sittin' here
on this lonely dock
watch the rain
play on the ocean top
all the things i feel i-
need to say
i can't explain
in any other way
we need to be bold
need to jump in the cold water
need to grow older
with a girl like you
finally seen you were naturally
the one to make it so easy
when you show me the truth
yeah~ yeah~
i'd rather be with you
say you want
the same thing too

now here's the sun
come to
dry the rain
warm my shoulders and
relieve my pain
you're the one thing that i'm
missing here
with you beside me,
i no longer fear
i need to be bold,
need to jump in the cold water
need to grow older
with a girl like you
finally seen you were naturally
the one to make it so easy
when you show me the truth
yeah~ yeah~
i'd rather be with you
say you want
the same thing too

could have saved so much time
for us

had i seen the way
to get to where i am today
you waited on me for so long
so now
listen to me say
i need to be bold
need to jump in the cold water
need to grow older with a girl like you
finally seen
you were naturally
the one to make it so easy
when you show me the truth
yeah~ yeah~
i'd rather be with you
say you want the same thing too
say you feel--the way i do

I'd rather be with you -- Sittin' here on this lonely dock watch the rain play on the ocean top all the things i feel i- need to say i can't explain in any other way we need to be bold need to jump in the cold water need to grow older with a girl like you fin...


《你好,那时》—电影《你好,tooth》主题曲的歌词是:你好,那时 (你好,Tooth)电影主题曲 走在那时你我熟悉的路已忘了多少次回头环顾空气中残留着那时雨露我屏住呼吸想让时间停住停住 停住 停住在那个下午我们坐在阳光下告别孤独停住 停住 停住在那时情愫每一字一句是你深深的祝福再次回到与你相遇的...


Well I was walkin for some time When I came across this sign Sayin "who are you and where are you from?"We don't like when visitors come."No Trespassing" that's what it said At least that's what I could read.No Trespassing? Yeah, my ass!Wait till ya get a load of...


Sausalito Foxtrot的everyday


-- Sittin' here on this lonely dock watch the rain play on the ocean top all the things i feel i- need to say i can't explain in any other way we need to be bold need to jump in the cold water need to grow older with a girl like you finally seen you were ...


应该是歌名:Everything at once歌手:Lenka作曲 : Lenka作词 : Lenka As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox狐狸般的狡猾,公牛般强壮As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear敏捷如野兔,勇猛比棕熊As free as a bird, as neat as a word小鸟般自由,跟指令依样简洁As quite as a ...




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