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热心网友 时间:1天前

Statistics have indicated, in 2003 the Chinese network game market scale achieved 1,320,000,000 Yuan, and will achieve 6,700,000,000 Renminbi in 2007.The Chinese network game number of users has achieved 13,800,000.Estimated the Chinese network game number of users will achieve to 2007 41,800,000, in 2003, the network game has amounted to 8,710,000,000 Yuan to the telecommunication industry direct contribution.

The network game giant market urges the business to enhance the competitive power unceasingly.Sony declared that, this company in has recently promoted had been able to play the Internet far-end the adapter which the family connects mutually.So long as has purchased 39.99 US dollars couplings, North America plays the family to be able to connect to Sony's network plays to a series of games.

The network game company moves rapidly.

According to a US consultant firm's report of investigation forecast, 2002-2005 year global computer game industry will have the every year 16.5% growth rates.Estimated in 2004 will probably have 45,000,000 people to favor the network computer games, US becomes the biggest online game market.We are not rare by above investigation and study data in the conclusion: The network game will be the profit point of growth which in the future electron entertainment industry will be second to none.

Now, the average each computer user 70% hands-on time are is playing the game.The continual 3 years, 35% American thought the television or the computer games are the most interesting recreational activity, goes far beyond looked the television, looks at activities and so on movie.Also according to the sketchy statistics, some 19% Internet user can play the game on-line.

In presses the visit quantity size place in 100 kind of websites, the game website exceeds the sports website.Moreover, the game website also has "the adsorptive attraction",the visitor can above it flowered some time.

The network game market soon enters hundred school of thought contends the time, various merchant struggles promotes the new product, moreover the multitudinous companies develop or the strategy alliance way voluntarily, announced joins the battlefield.May infer that, the network game market will have an intense slaughtering this year.

The China market potential is huge.

The international entrepreneur favors the Chinese market in abundance.By Chinese domestic existing computer more than 3500 ten thousand computations, if has 1/3 computer to play the game, each family the annual consumption 100 Yuan at the network game, can produce at least 1,000,000,000 Yuan markets.The network game charge takes in the present network the most successful profit pattern.According to the estimate, domestic in 2003 network game user average each month spent 19.6 Yuan, estimated to 2006 estimated each game user each monthly mean expenditure will amount to 31.2 Yuan.At the appointed time, the Chinese network game market entire scale will amount to 8,500,000,000 Yuan.

Industry in the authoritative source believed that, in the network game software production aspect, the present situation is also unoptimistic.At present, in the Chinese network game market, basic is by South Korea's game software primarily, accounts for the proportion including the Taiwan area Chinese manufacturer production network game is only about 40%.

The network game talented person gap is not small.

The network game has become a rapid development in our country the industry, the information industrial department, the technical department played the industry to list as one of IT domain key support pillar industries, but the present domestic game professional's gap reaches as high as actually 600,000, becomes the net to swim the industry to develop the biggest bottleneck.Industry in the authoritative source believed that, should raise the net to swim vigorously "the blue collar".

Since long ago, our country while network game industry high speed development, the professional becomes this industry to develop the biggest bottleneck actually, at present the Chinese market game software mainly comes from places such as Japan, US, South Korea, plays by the native place the game which producer create few also to be few completely.

As a raise network game talented person's strategic action, the national information industrial department electron education center, Hong Kong Occupation Training Bureau, Beijing collect the numerous longan science and technology limited company jointly to promote the game institute at present.At present, "the game designs the development curriculum"already one of occupation training projects which becomes most receives welcome.



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advantages and disadvantages.


Statistics have indicated, in 2003 the Chinese network game market scale achieved 1,320,000,000 Yuan, and will achieve 6,700,000,000 Renminbi in 2007.The Chinese network game number of users has achieved 13,800,000.Estimated the Chinese network game number of users will achieve t...


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