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l want to help sick people作文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-04 19:12



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 13:09

I want to volunteer to help the sick kids.I want to cheer them up and if they and their parents are happy ,I'll be happy,too.On the weekends ,I'm free so I'll go to hospital on weekends.And I will buy some gifts or flowers for the sikc children.
i want to help sick people的作文(跟初二下的英语第一章比较像的)_百...


l want to help sick people作文

I want to volunteer to help the sick kids.I want to cheer them up and if they and their parents are happy ,I'll be happy,too.On the weekends ,I'm free so I'll go to hospital on weekends.And I will buy some gifts or flowers for the sikc children.

my dream 英语作文 关于医生的

When I was a child, I always dreamed of becoming a doctor. I wanted to help people who were sick and make them feel better. As I grew older, my dream never faded. I knew that becoming a doctor was not an easy path, but I was determined to achieve my goal.当我还是个...


范文:I want to be a doctor I want to be a doctor in the future because doctors can help sick people and make them happy. They can make me happy,too.However,many people think the hospital is always dirty and it's easy for doctors to be ill.But if I am a doctor, I ...

help for sick children初一英语作文

my plan This Sunday,i will go to the park with my classmates.we'll go there by bus.we'll help the cleaners to clean the city park.we'll make the park clean and beautiful.In the afternoon,we'll see the sick children in the hospital.we will take some flowers and pictures...

...I become a doctor, I will ...为题目写一篇作文70字左右

If I become a doctor , I will…I would like to become a doctor. If I become a doctor, I will be able to help sick people—I will join the International Medical Group to help in poor countries. I know that it Will take years of hard work to become a doctor, so what ...

my dream in ten years 英语作文

I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excel-lent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or any money.I'll do every bit to cure the incurable. I hope to see a world where ...

求一篇原创英语作文 题目是"照顾一个生病的朋友"

or to personally cooking for their food, etc.Anyhow we should be well as a friend's responsibility.Hope my answer can help you 中文翻译朋友是我们幸福的源泉之一,朋友在我们的人生道路上有着很重要的作用,是我们分享喜怒哀乐的的好对象,当朋友生病的时候,我们要好好照顾他们,如和他们一...

急求英语作文 l have a dream. 100 多词

helping those sick people and saving their lives.Of course,to be a good doctor is very difficult,but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone healthy.That's my dream.I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country.I want to let them have an ...

英语作文《l have a dream》

to be a good doctor.It’s very difficult.But I will by all means to keep everyone healthy.That's my dream.I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country.I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excel-lent treatments for their illnesses without...

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