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My favorite job英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-10 04:57



热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 04:29

My favorite job
Hello!My name is Bob.My mother is a doctor. I think her job is very busy.I don't like her job.My father is a reporter.He works on weekends.I think his job is interesting.Beacuse he can meet many interesting people and he can talk with people.I very like his job!
I'm going to be a teacher when I grow up.Beause they can tench many students 。I think this job is very good.
I like to work hard .I am confident of my future.
How about you,my friends?

热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 04:29


热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 04:27


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英语作文《my favourite job》,五年级水平

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My favorite job英语作文

My favorite job Hello!My name is Bob.My mother is a doctor. I think her job is very busy.I don't like her job.My father is a reporter.He works on weekends.I think his job is interesting.Beacuse he can meet many interesting people and he can talk with people.I very ...

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1. my favorite job is working for taking care animals in the zoo.2. There are three points I prefer the job 2.1 animals are all natural creatures.2.2 helping animals is no reward but full of happiness.2.3 I have learned a lot of works while staying in zoo....


teacher, a man who wants to achieve their dreams, it is necessary to select their favorite work career and job, the teaching profession, is my favorite work, when a glorious people's teacher is lifetime maximum dreams. Choose the teaching profession to achieve the dream of my ...

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英语作文题目:My favorite job

My favorite job Hello!My name is Bob.My mother is a doctor. I think her job is very busy.I don't like her job.My father is a reporter.He works on weekends.I think his job is interesting.Beacuse he can meet many interesting people and he can talk with people.I very ...

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Currently, after several years, I'm still firmly holding the same belief and determined to become a doctor just like my grandpa, who can really contribute to society and improve others' well-being in a way that is both direct and rewarding.自己刚写的,希望采纳,谢谢!

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