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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 01:52



热心网友 时间:2024-04-03 05:22

Entire changes the high-pressured return route absolute low-voltagewinding, the ferrite core, the box body (has not hung silicon topile) the dielectric resistance > 2500M Omega Entire changes low-voltage winding to box body dielectricresistance > 1000M Omega The breakdown voltage is not smaller than 40KV, 极距 is when2.5mm. 1st, entire changes the high-pressured return route (not topile including silicon) exerts the fixed output voltage 1.5 time oflabor frequencies testing voltage to the low-voltage winding and theferrite core and the box body, the lasted 1 minute, does not have绝缘击穿, dodges irons the electric discharge and the unusualsound 2nd, entire changes the low-voltage winding to exert the 2500Valtogether frequency testing voltage to the box body, the lasted 1minute, does not have 绝缘击穿, dodges irons the electricdischarge and the unusual sound. Entire changes under the output fixed DC voltage, idlingelectric current < 2A. Entire changes is outputting 1.5 time of fixed DC voltages, thelasted 1 minute, does not have 绝缘击穿, dodges irons the electricdischarge and the unusual sound Entire changes exerts 0.02Mpa after dryly to filter processing thebarometric pressure, after the lasted 12 hours -odd press > 0.015Mpa,simultaneously observe entire change each welding and the seal placenot infiltrate the oil leak phenomenon, Entire changes under the rated load moves, after stably movesfor 6 hours, achieves the thermally stable in, entire changes theupper formation limit 温升 not to be bigger than 40 ℃. Idling loss data Labor frequency compression test Oil pressure resistance Leak test Heating test



作为维多利亚时代的一个专家,马修致力于用 “生与死的自觉选择是个人的,直接的,精神上的” 来证明 “传记上记载的并不是19世纪福音主义的唯一结果” 这一论点。但他完全明白,在很大程度上,它(指19世纪福音主义)被基督教传统包裹着,被传统原理和16世纪改革迫使的腐败混淆着, 19世纪福音主义就...


Key word: practice, microcontroller, programmable logic controller


Many job seekers have such experience: No high academic qualifications and work experience rich conditions, it may be difficult to find an ideal job. However, according to press survey found that communication barriers (poor communication and conversation), more likely to be blocked in ...


1.Set some time aside to have a talk with your friends.省出一些时间和你朋友谈谈。2.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.所有的工作,没有休息使杰克成了一个枯燥无味的男孩。3.Ways vary from person to person.人与人之间的方式是不同的 4.A good study schedule, which ...


Is a sound of a voice, but not disconnected, unrelated, separate The syllables or words are simple and medley, but continuity word chain, the interpreter from Determining the primitives to express the concept and content of thought.The 1.2 information processing -- understanding of I...


learning English. Often I studied computer softwares such as UG. So I am able to make various 3D modeling based on point data and reference pictures.在校期间,我积极参加各项社团活动。曾当过棋社的技术部长、参加过青年自愿者活动。特别地,在今年暑假期间,曾在杭州大和热磁电子有限公司实习...


we need to expand self coming writing a thesis as the student , the working position graduating having arrived at afterwards requires that talent , acquisition coming to show self moving limpid characters arrive at a leader's but more approving. One aspect , I think of but maybe v...

急求帮忙翻译一段文字, (中翻英)在线等,不要翻译工具那种的,万分感谢...

1, scattered markets : the top ten enterprises accounted for only 30% of the market share 2, most competitors still pay close attention to market segments, such as goodness to vitamin; still not strong universal category of enterprises In 3, the majority of native enterprise to ...


②关于中学生元认知策略培训的研究 Research on students' Metacognitive Strategy Training 郝少荣的调查表明“目前高一学生的元认知知识匾乏,元认知策略应用不足,学生缺乏对自己学习进行管理的观念和自主学习能力差。”Hao Shaorong survey shows that "the plaque cognitive knowledge of the students in ...

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